FSCloudPort Support Thread

  • I hope someone can help me here...

    I am relatively new to that whole theme but found fscloudport website and downloaded and installed an airport like disrcibed.

    Problem is, I can see the airport in the selection screen but when i finally start the sim it is nothin there...no runway nu building etc.

    Am I missing something?


    Found that I have to download xref global library as stated in the video and in the pdf.

    But there do i find it?

    It's not on the website when selecting an airport outside US.

    Kind Rgds, PC

    Edited once, last by DLH9KA (November 6, 2018 at 7:19 PM).

  • I think Im in the same situation, I see the RW but no buildings?

    73 de Michael IZ0JUB

    the xref library is no longer needed since a recent update. It sounds like you have different problems though. What is the install path where your files are?

  • Thw download instructions on the page where you download the airport are very clear:

    1. Create folder My PC > Documents > Aerofly FS2 > scenery > places > CH
    2. Download LSZN.zip file to your CH folder and unzip to folder LSZN/
    3. Go Fly!

    Documents folder, never ever in Aerofly FS2 root directory!



    i7-14700KF @ 5.6 GHz, Geforce RTX 4090, 32MB RAM, 1TB SSD M.2, 1TB SSD M.2, 2TB SSD M.2, 32" Monitor 4K, Pimax Crystal

  • I guess ... these airports?

    Well, airports do not have anything; only a rectangle in the middle of a surface without any resolution, a runway in the middle of nowhere. This is what you get as a result of the download from "FScludport."

    I suppose the idea is to create the germ, the embryo and the geographical location of the runways at the airport, and then add airport infrastructure.

    However, except for those users who have the knowledge to add buildings, etc. In my opinion, it's not worth doing these downloads right now.

    Regards: Delfin

  • For me, I have the correct folder set as required.

    Documents/Aerofly FS2/scenery/places/DE/EDDF

    OrthoScenery created with Aeroscenery and Geoconverter is working But the Airport is completele missing in the Sim.

    I can choose Runway or parking position but then i am standing on my ortho textures.

    Even if i disable the ortho scenery there is no runaway or building visible.

  • There is a problem with EDDF. I think the number of buildings overloaded my system.

    See http://www.fscloudport.com/icao/eddf.htm and click View TSC and you can see the objects list is empty. The object list holds all modelled elements including the runways.

    I need to recode this anyway since IPACS improved the way objects can be referenced so I'll do that ASAP.

    edit yep, lots going on there

    delfinpm - I don't know what airport you tried so no idea what the problem is. I suspect the filepath as the EDDF issue is very rare.

    @IZ0JUB - As above. Not all airports have buildings though. Does the summary (see below) say it has buildings?

  • Yes, but I had to stop due to maximum reached...

    Ah now I realise why it broke - you were right on the limit and then I added extra decals for runway numbers. The straw that broke the camels back!

  • There is a problem with EDDF. I think the number of buildings overloaded my system.

    See http://www.fscloudport.com/icao/eddf.htm and click View TSC and you can see the objects list is empty. The object list holds all modelled elements including the runways.

    Hi Phil

    The runway that I downloaded is LEST (Santiago de Compostela, NW Spain). And pressing TSC, that programming list, contains the program, (approximately 3 pages of the monitor screen). What I do not know is if that program is incomplete. I beg you to verify it.

    In your answer, in fact, you can see runways, buildings, etc. How is it possible then that in the "LEST", you only see a runway and a "blurred communication tower"?

    I like to investigate (when I have the opportunity to do so), so I decided to investigate and ... compare Frankfurt (EDDF). with Santiago de Compostela (LEST).

    And...now the most amazing thing: in your answer you refer to the Frankfurt airport as an example of the buildings contained in the airport. Well, I took the trouble to download it and discovered that both runways and buildings do not exist; there is only one large blurred spot on the surface equivalent to what should be airport and infrastructure. I attached two images of that surface.

    Of course, the TSC does exist, and with 4 programming text screens.
    This example has puzzled me, because if that TSC is the content (and I suppose it is) of the program of the runway and buildings, I am amazed by that unexpected finding on that blurred surface.

    I suppose you'll have to investigate that strange graphic representation.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    P.D. This research and writing was done last night and I did not send it waiting for someone else to be tempted to download (and see) that airport. And something similar has happened because today I saw TomSimMac, described where the problem was.

    Well, the second image shows the current "EDDF". Of course, this airport is fairly well equipped with buildings, although I suppose that it has nothing to do with reality.

    Once again, thanks Tom and thanks Phil

    Yes, but I had to stop due to maximum reached...

    Hi Tom

    Well, those buildings in the airport give an enormous plastic beauty to the whole environment, but I suppose that means having and knowing several programs that allow you to do those wonders. What programs have you used for these buildings?

    Is there the possibility of transferring this or another airport to a specific user, and that he can enjoy it?

    Regards: Delfin

  • Hello Delfin,

    the complete airport is exclusively built with Phils FsCloudport.

    Though the buildings itself are not showing the original, the footprint is as close as possible (by combinig the standard buildings offered).

    The photoscenery is made with AeroScenery by Nickhod.

    Only the trees are done with scenproc, based on OSM data.

    Luckily a lot of tutorials are existing by Rodeo and Phil how to manage this.



    Cheers, Thomas

  • Is there the possibility of transferring this or another airport to a specific user, and that he can enjoy it?

    Regards: Delfin

    You've already done it! You showed us a screenshot. What you are missing is the ground texture which is not part of the airport but part of the scenery. For that you need Nick's Aeroscenery. These are the 3 steps to home made scenery for most people who aren't super techies:

    1. The base of it all is photorealistic surface - use Nick's Aeroscenery (takes a little work, but much easier than it used to be)

    2. Now add airports - download from http://www.fscloudport.com (very quick and easy)

    3. Cultivation = autogenerated houses - See the developer section of this forum. It is the hardest of the 3

  • Thanks Tom, thanks nickhod and thanks Phil, for your concrete and precise explanations regarding the necessary programs for photorealistic design.

    I was curious to know exactly what it would take to do something "real" (real buildings), and not to create buildings, I guess of pre-built libraries and that has nothing to do with reality.

    It happens that my academic and professional training, is far away from these graphic design technologies. To introduce myself in them, would suppose many hours of study and experimentation. Taking into account that I have little time, it is not advisable to begin the study and experimentation of these programs starting from ZERO.

    I have some interest in having two or three airports well equipped with their realistic architectural infrastructure, but nothing more. Well, I would almost settle for one: "LEST" = Santiago de Compostela-Spain, (city where I currently live).

    As expected, these airports with a photorealistic surface (or similar, but less precise), is very small; normally less than 3x3 Km. ^ 2 on which the runways, buildings, etc. are located. it does not make them (the airports) stimulating to fly over them, since the pilot is flying (after taking off), on that surface without resolution. That is not rewarding; or there are large extensions around the airport, or otherwise, the discharge of these airports is a frustration.

    Let's hope, as I said, that this "FSCloudPort" is the beginning of higher level creative activities, and that it will serve as a launching pad for wider and more ambitious projects.

    Regards: Delfin

  • is there any update planed for fscloudports like grass runways?

    Thanks for info.

    Water towers recently added and some extra objects coming soon. Grass runways require some major rework so not very soon I'm afraid.