I love the scenery, good job on that. But playing in VR, the city is just humongous, It gives me a certain feeling of dread and anxiety. It's hard to put into words. Anyone else experience this? I don't know how anyone could live in such a densely populated city.
Just downloaded east coast scenery. Flying near New York gives me anxiety.
there are advantages to live in such populated cities - you know
Sounds like how we felt when we went on a day trip to Manly last time we were in Sydney. Such a densely packed seething sea of people around the Circular Quay area. They just surge on and off of the ferries. It was awful after our much quieter and less populated Adelaide.
I love the scenery, good job on that. But playing in VR, the city is just humongous, It gives me a certain feeling of dread and anxiety. It's hard to put into words. Anyone else experience this? I don't know how anyone could live in such a densely populated city.
You should be grateful no-one has done Washington DC
You should be grateful no-one has done Washington DC
I don't think DC has as many highrises though.
Sounds like how we felt when we went on a day trip to Manly last time we were in Sydney. Such a densely packed seething sea of people around the Circular Quay area. They just surge on and off of the ferries. It was awful after our much quieter and less populated Adelaide.
ha! I can understand that. I live in Los Angeles city so I thought New York was roughly the same size, but not even close. Seeing that many buildings block after block was just mind blowing. I've seen pictures of NYC but the VR really puts into perspective. Not sure if I'll be flying that area very much.
Manbird , try this ... 5th Avenue at 50 feet ...
I'd recommend Google Earth VR to really get a sense of how big some of these places around the world are. It has calming music to help reduce anxiety
I live in the NYC suburbs, and go into the city all the time. I also did some graduate work at Columbia University uptown. It's just a place. You get used to it pretty quickly. Let me tell ya, it's a LOT nicer now than it was in the 70's and 80's!
But the trains were painted in much prettier colours back then.
La primera vez que fui a Nueva York, alguien me dijo que otras personas sabrían que yo era un turista, porque iría mirando hacia arriba, y así fue. Vivo en Tenerife, y solo miramos hacia arriba para ver el Monte Teide ahaha. Me encanta volar allí con un helicóptero, recordando un viaje que hice allí en mi último viaje. Todo es increíblemente el mismo, tan bien hecho!
But the trains were painted in much prettier colours back then.
I took those colorful trains every freaking day. As a decent sized 24 year old male I felt reasonably safe, but it was still unpleasant. Little known fact: Mayor Dinkins actually started the project of cleaning up those subway trains. Rudy inherited the project and gets the credit!
I took those colorful trains every freaking day. As a decent sized 24 year old male I felt reasonably safe, but it was still unpleasant. Little known fact: Mayor Dinkins actually started the project of cleaning up those subway trains. Rudy inherited the project and gets the credit!
I commuted from Queens into Manhattan on the 7 line for a summer in 1988. They were still pretty colourful then. I worked a few weeks at TGI Fridays on 42nd St so sometimes I'd be riding that subway back to Queens at 1am.