Aerofly FS 2 Steam Previous Alpha Builds

  • @aroos: Thank you for the tm.log file. At least no relevant issues are found. Your GPU seems to offer only 2 GB of memory. The huge drop you see between the different AA settings is probably related to a GPU memory issue, e.g. Aerofly FS probably needs more than 2GB and if we need to access memory not on the GPU things slow down considerably. We haven't optimized Aerofly FS for those scenarios. High quality shadows for example might already consume almost 512 MB a quarter of your available GPU memory. And also keep in mind ORBX KPSP and LOWI by itself are very detailed and will consume over 2.5GB with Medium quality.

    As a test, can you fly over a region with low buildings and 3D objects. Do you see the huge difference there as well?

  • Hallo Jan,

    bin heute noch einmal die selbe Strecke geflogen mit dem A320.

    Erst ging alles gut (besser wie gestern) mit NAV,aber bei D0OEJ hat er auf einmal auf HDG umgeschalten...und fliegt jetzt einfach nur kurven.

    Meine Route.

    Orig Lowi

    RWY 08

    DEP ADIL1J departure




    APP I23 departure

    RWY 23


    Alles auf ULTRA Vulkan und 4K,mit 120 FPS oder mehr.:thumbup::)

    Danke, und schönen Abend euch.;)

    Vom 06.08.2020 meine Route geht noch immer nicht,bei D0OEJ...geht es wieder von NAV auf HDG:!::!::!:

  • @aroos: Thank you for the tm.log file. At least no relevant issues are found. Your GPU seems to offer only 2 GB of memory. The huge drop you see between the different AA settings is probably related to a GPU memory issue, e.g. Aerofly FS probably needs more than 2GB and if we need to access memory not on the GPU things slow down considerably. We haven't optimized Aerofly FS for those scenarios. High quality shadows for example might already consume almost 512 MB a quarter of your available GPU memory. And also keep in mind ORBX KPSP and LOWI by itself are very detailed and will consume over 2.5GB with Medium quality.

    As a test, can you fly over a region with low buildings and 3D objects. Do you see the huge difference there as well?

    Thank you for looking at the log files for me.

    In monument valley I see less difference - 53 fps with HQ AA OFF and 85 fps with HQ AA ON, so about 60% improvement turning HQ AA OFF, which is much less than in areas with high res scenery.

    While I understand what you are saying about the speed penalty of using shared (non-GPU) memory, this does not by itself explain the consistent speed difference between the alpha and the release version. I do see, however, that the alpha release is using about 50% more shared memory than the release version (see below, identical scenarios, first is alpha and second is release). Perhaps it is this additional memory requirement that causes the lower frame rate.

    Just a thought, I don't suppose the alpha builds are development as opposed to optimized release builds? If so, that could explain it :). Anyway, not to worry, there are more important issues for the development team to focus on at the moment!

    Edited 3 times, last by aroos (August 5, 2020 at 10:04 PM).

  • I just tried the A320 again using the same flight plan as used for previous tests.

    This time the AP followed the waypoints and also those associated with the Arrival and Approach.

    The ILS worked as far as the localizer once I entered the course into the MCDU. Perhaps it should have been there already as the frequency was there and I see the course/freq in other sims.

    When I activated Appr it seemed to start to follow the descent but then stopped following and I had to manually track the glide slope.

    Usually when this happens once the marker is close then the bus starts to track the GS but it did not.

    Getting better.

  • When this happens, does it help to visit the navigation menu and then come back?

    No Jan, it remains tied to the departure runway take off end, here is the plane deliberately turned back to the 02 take off threshold from a Watsonville 02 take off, showing the retained 'glued on' 02-start non-waypoint 'destination' W4862 to 02 initial outbound leg. It is just like my earlier post.

    It will join an initial leg that is a distance from the departure runway and then sequence normally.

  • Mr Jet-Pack..... Till last week I have identified almost 42 waypoints where the Autopilot doesn't turn the aircraft (Just goes Straight).

    Among them with the new Alpha Patch Update only 2 waypoints were resolved but the rest are still not working.

    I will be uploading all the "waypoints" by today and all the routes where the problem occured. I am taking screenshots.

    By the way the "Hotspot" lies in the Switzerland and ORBX Lowi Region waypoints. Most of the waypoints doesn't work there.

    Also in the 737. If I turn off the Navigation Lights inside the cockpit, it doesn't turn off in the aircraft. It just remains on. (This problem was not there earlier).

    Please fix it. I will be uploading all the waypoints by today.

    Best Regards,


  • It's not the waypoint itself that is the issue so counting them doesn't really help.

    We need to know which procedure you used, e.g. which exact departure or arrival, approach you selected.

    Then the waypoint is assigned a type by that procedure, which could be a direct-to-fix, track, heading, arc, radial-to-fix, intercepts and what not. There are also plenty of termination types, e.g. you have to be above a certain altitude for the waypoint to terminate and then the route cycles to the next waypoint.

    We need to know which of these combinations break. And for that we need to know which procedures you flew.

  • Right Jan,

    I'm using the JustFlight plane’s GPS. I’m using the FS2 sim navigation page program to enter an origin and destination with various waypoints in between.

    The move the plane to the start of the route symbol is clicked or the plane is somewhere on the entered runway, it does not matter, the outcome is the same.

    The map magenta leg in use looks good, the CDI and ranges look good.

    The leg label field is bad and on the map display there is a grey track line from the aircraft back to the take off end of the runway and the leg label field’s bad leg indicates back to the runway start with the frustrating unwanted non waypoint name (eg 02 or 28L) impossible to clear.

    Flying back over the runway start does not trigger recognition of a new leg or affect the permanence of this unwanted non waypoint!

    My #176 post picture from yesterday with the time label 122831 shows this as does my #189 post picture above.

    The plane is just flown off the runway assuming that the GPS route will activate all by itself, I have not found any real world-like route activation function.

    This fault is present in sea level and altitude departures with the original SFO area, pay add-ons and the Swiss scenery with cultivation.

    (Do you have an ordinary PC with the ordinary steam downloaded FS2?)

    Edited 2 times, last by Overloaded (August 6, 2020 at 10:25 AM).

  • @aroos: Good observation, thank you! We identified indeed a much higher temporary memory usage and this seems to strongly impact shared memory systems. We just uploaded a new version ( V2.05.00.08 ) to Steam please give this a try, GPU memory usage should be reduced and you might see a slight performance increase on your system. Systems with enough GPU memory are not affected by this update.

  • @aroos: Good observation, thank you! We identified indeed a much higher temporary memory usage and this seems to strongly impact shared memory systems. We just uploaded a new version ( V2.05.00.08 ) to Steam please give this a try, GPU memory usage should be reduced and you might see a slight performance increase on your system. Systems with enough GPU memory are not affected by this update.

    Thank you for investigating my observation, and for the excellent progress that is being made with the alpha release in general. I do indeed see that on build the amount of shared memory used has returned to the same as it was on the release build, or perhaps a bit lower. Unfortunately this has not made any significant difference to performance with HQ AA.

    After some experimentation with graphics settings, I think what is happening here is that a fairly small increase in graphics memory requirement by the alpha - perhaps around 10% - is causing a dramatic (67%) reduction in performance as my graphics card runs out of dedicated RAM and starts using shared system RAM. This is because I notice that changing either texture quality, or terrain image quality, or building density from HIGH to MEDIUM immediately pushes the frame from 16 fps rate back up to about 48 fps with HQ AA still ON. (Setting terrain mesh quality to MEDIUM does not have a significant effect; and shadow quality and building density are already MEDIUM but setting them to LOW also doe not have much effect). So it's a classic "falling off a cliff" situation, where a small change to the independent variable causes a sudden, dramatic change to the dependent variable :)

    Edited 10 times, last by aroos (August 6, 2020 at 10:51 PM).

  • Version 200806

    Monterey 28L RNAV Z waypoints from VORTAC SNS are plotted in true not magnetic. The route steers to within a few feet of a mountain. The plane steers 200 magnetic to these misplaced waypoints instead of 214 magnetic. I reported this a few years ago, it was not acknowledged.

    Joining a route with a remote first waypoint gives that first waypoint as the permanent faulty destination in the 'ACTIVE LEG OF THE FLIGHT PLAN' GPS leg field.

    Here ULENY near Holister was attempted.

  • Hi. I need some help with new navigation menu. I can create route (like this shown on attached image), but where can i find ILS frequencies of particular runways? In stable version they are clearly visible near runway code, but in Alpha I can not find them - there is only length of each runway.

  • Mr Jet-Pack

    Here are all my routes when I flown through them the Autopilot malfunctioned. I WILL write the waypoints in "small letters" where the problem occured.... [ I am writing the route as per the sequence in the new Aerofly FS 2 Navigation menu.

    1. LSZR - 28 - bemk2v - RAST4A - L26 - 26 - LOWI.

    2. LSZR - 28 - amik2v - elme1a - L26 - 26 - LOWI.

    3. LSZE - 28 - bemk2r - elme1a - L26 - 26 - LOWI.

    4. LSZR - 28 - SITO2V - brem2b - R08 - 08 - LOWI.

    5. LSZR - 28 - kpt3r - TULS3A - L26 - 26 - LOWI.

    6. LSGG - 05 - belv5p - SBG3A - L26 - 26 - LOWI.

    7. KJFK - 31L - SKORR3 - hubrd1 - L27 - 27 - KSAN.

    8. KJFK - 31L - hapie3 - LYNDI3 - L27 - 27 - KSAN.

    9. KJFK - 31L - SKORR3 - shamui - L27 - 27 - KSAN.

    10. KISP - 24 - LONGT4 - maz1f2 - 08 - KSNQ.

    These are some routes where the autopilot malfunctioned.

    Also in KJFK. Is it a mistake that SID- "HAPIE3" and "GREKI3". shows same point of turn while I choose KSAN as my Destination Airport?

    Also Sir I cannot select the "ORBX Meigs Field Airport" in the "Destination" Icon of the Navigation Menu. While I click to set "Meigs Field" in the Destination box it don't get selected. Is it a fault?

    Best Regards,


  • Mr Jet-Pack


    Also Sir I cannot select the "ORBX Meigs Field Airport" in the "Destination" Icon of the Navigation Menu. While I click to set "Meigs Field" in the Destination box it don't get selected. Is it a fault?

    Jan, same problem as reported in message #149. Some other examples in add-on scenery PHLN, EDQS, LEMD, LIML, EBOS, EBAW, EBBR, ... Regards Patric

    Edited once, last by bas756 (August 7, 2020 at 7:02 PM).

  • Hi all, Pretty new to this game and flight sims in general (this being my first flight sim) and i initially went with FS2 for the VR experience.....However since i opted into ALPHA....i cant for the life of me get the A320 to go into approach mode.... im not doing anything differently to before as i follow/learned from the flight manual on wiki but it just wont switch into approach mode? What could i be doing wrong here?

    Also....the plane follows the flight path in AP no problem from takeoff and descends ok but then decides to turn off the flight path right at the last part when approaching the run way for landing....ive noticed a few people have the same problem. Ive also tried various routes and still does the same thing. My last flight in particular was from Los Angeles to San Diego.

    Can anybody advise a newbie?


  • Hello everyone,

    We update the Alpha version once again.

    The EC135 is now included for testing. This is not yet the final state and we will continue to improve it over the upcoming weeks. Please feel free to send feedback our way :) Please also read this note from admin:

    Dear Aerofly FS users,

    we are finally ready to present to you the latest addition to our fleet, the EC135 helicopter in a beta version. You may ask, why don't you officially release it? While it's already in a very accurate, complete and enjoyable state, we intend to further tweak some parameters to make the EC135 just as perfect as the R22.

    We are currently working together with real pilots and try to incorporate their feedback to futher optimize the flight model. So just keep in mind, the EC135 is still a work in progress.

    Please also keep in mind, it's a beta version. So you may find bugs here and there. Especially our new navigation feature with selectable departures and approaches needs some more tuning, so we would appreciate your feedback here.

    As of know the public available Steam channels 'alpha' and 'beta' currently contain the same builds. If you want to opt out of this beta version, switch back to the 'default' channel again.

    Other changes in the current alpha from today 2020-08-07:

    • Fixed Route vertical navigation partly working again
    • Fixed Sound replay now plays all sounds, previously some sounds could not be heard if there were too many at the same time
    • Fixed Autopilot no longer initially turning the wrong way when switching to a new leg
    • Added Las Vegas McCarren (KLAS) more helipads
    • Fixed Tower view available again

    We're also still working on the route and especially the vertical navigation and getting altitude and speed constraints working again.