No competition to Aerofly

  • Spent a couple of days checking the mobile competition... xplane, RFS, infinite flight

    My goodness.... they are quite simply toys!!

    Maybe they have multiplayer, global but they are still toys.... toy scenery, toy flight dynamics, toy cockpit/interaction....

    Having said this, Aerofly users must keep encouraging IPACS to increase updates: add Regions quickly (we are getting bored with WestUSA and CH), and multiplayer. Obviously multiplayer could require seperation and sequencing so VATSIM partnering would be great solution.

    Christmas list maybe but hope is the last to die!!!


  • You are absolutely right they are just arcade games, aerofly 2020 is the most complete in every way .. Beautiful and realistic cocks, clouds, 3D buildings .. beautiful airports etc.

    Ipacs is the best team 👏👏👏👏👏👏✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁

  • Aerofly is a beautiful professional product .. For 8 dollars we have an excellent mobile simulator a bargain .. 10 friends I recommended aerofly to them and they bought it .. We must help the ipacs team and offer our friends and acquaintances who love aviation to buy this wonderful product ... It is the best investment 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 I only hope to have the region of Switzerland on my android phone soon 😉😍🚁✈️ to be able to explore the beautiful landscapes of Switzerland ... Switzerland region is so beautiful on ios platform that it looks like a pc simulator

  • Infinite Flight is the worst of them. The most expensive, the most impostor, the most thief.

    A very very toxic community. (this post would have been killed for sure on their forum, the author would have be threatened my mods)

    The last pettiness of them is to publish a beta for their next version. But if you want global you have to pay it in the current version and install the beta. But on iOS in a beta all in-apps can be free for testing during the beta program.

    They really are detestable. And the most unbelievable is to see their doggy-doggy followers gaping in front of their Supreme Guide.


    Proud to be an Aeroflyer

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • Flight sims ( Aerofly, XP10, RFS): *exist*

    Also flight sims: *there is one imposter among us*

    (Hinting at what was said about IF. Plus I am part of BAVA, don’t take it too far 😉)

  • We really appreciate your feedback and it encourages us to continue our way of creating a Flight Simulator. We know our decisions are sometimes difficult to understand but it‘s sometimes equally difficult to communicate how complicated it is to implement certain features.

    But please no competitor bashing here in our forums.

  • I wish IPACS would establish a small, select User Development group (maybe 10-20 people) who would be tasked with developing the top 100 airports around the World. Give them a software, some tools and training, and let them loose.

    Obviously all work would be submitted back to IPACS for validation and then upload into Aerofly upgrade...

    I would gladly spend my weekends designing EGLL, EHAM, LIRF for free :)

    Maybe I'm being too radical, but what an acceleration we could have..