Aeroscenery/Geoconvert option to export .ttc textures to display properly on Android platform

  • Hi devs,

    I was wondering if there could be an option to be able to export scenery image textures (.ttc) that are readable when included in the android compressed folder structure).

    This would allow users to create their own high quality sceneries on the android platform as it can be done in the PC platform. Of course this should be done at the user's risk, taking into account their own android device capabilities.

    I honestly think this would improve the community experience greatly, and would traduce in more people using the sim on Android.

    I did a test including some 10 and12 level image .ttc exported from Aeroscenery/geoconvert and placed inside the android sim and when flown over I get bright green and red pixelated images, I am guessing due to the compression algorithms used. Do you guys think this could be an option?


  • Yeah, SDK update would be very much needed! :):thumbup:



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • TTC files are platform specific texture formats, e.g. they are different on iOS/Android ( ETC2 format ) compare to the PC platform ( DXT format ). We are not sure what GeoConvert version is used by Aeroscenery, but one must create PNG files with GeoConvert and then they can be converted to ETC2 TTC textures using our content converter.

  • Look for 'texture_base_type'. If you find that change it to ttc_etc2.

    Thank you! I'll definetly try that! :):thumbup:



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • TTC files are platform specific texture formats, e.g. they are different on iOS/Android ( ETC2 format ) compare to the PC platform ( DXT format ). We are not sure what GeoConvert version is used by Aeroscenery, but one must create PNG files with GeoConvert and then they can be converted to ETC2 TTC textures using our content converter.

    admin Unfortunately I didn't find any information on how to convert the orthophotos with Content Converter, I only found that it is possible with Geo Converter.

    I would appreciate if you could help me a little.



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • Hi admin

    I have also tried using the Content Convert tool to generate etc2 ttc file for a PNG aerial image (tile generated by Aeroscenery) as suggested, without much success after much trying.

    I have used the command mentioned on the config.tmc of the Content Convert Tool for a previously generated PNG image from Aeroscenery:


    And I got as far as getting something in the Android Fs sim that looks like an etc2 compressed image but with a very strange red grid pattern (see image attached).

    I think there must be a command that can be inserted in the .tmc code of the GeoConvert tool that would execute the etc2 compression within the geoconvert process, and not having to use the Content Convert tool, which my guess is that it is not intended for orthoimages but for textures for 3d buildings, etc...

    When I try the above command in the .tmc file for the geoconvert tool I get this error in the log:

    WARNING: property 'texture_base_type' is not a member of type 'tm_region'

    and it doesn`t compress the image

    Any help with this will be very appreciated. Thanks!

  • admin

    Aeroscenery is a 3rd pary tool, not created by us.

    However if this program uses our Aerofly FS 2 content converter

    Aeroscenery is the most important tool in the scenery maker community to generate ortho files.

    It produces png + aero +aid + tmc files and sends these to IPACS Geoconvert tool.

    The .tmc file looks like this:

    What additional tmc parameter is needed for Geoconvert to produce ttc_etc2 files?

    Cheers, Thomas

  • Hi admin,

    Thank you very much for all the information provided above. Converting all the pngs on the 16-geoconvert-raw folder to bmps prior to run them through the content converter tool did the trick.

    I am facing a new problem now when I am trying to place an airport from FSCloudPort into the android version. The runway does not want to align properly with the scenery(please look at image attached).

    After some research i found out that for some reason the android version is ignoring the "orientation" command on the TSC file, so basically it reads it as orientation 0.

    Strangely enough it works fine on the PC version but not on the android version. Any ideas why? Or a workaround for it?

    Thank you!

    TSC lines of code:


    <[tmsimulator_scenery_object][element][0] //Runway #1 crosses runway #n/a ***Retained***


    <[string8][geometry][rap1833m47m_rwy]> //2.923 degrees

    <[tmvector3d][position][174.80691548 -41.32678606 0]>



    <[tmsimulator_scenery_object][element][1] //Runway #1 crosses runway #n/a ***Retained***



    <[tmvector3d][position][174.80691548 -41.32678606 0]>



    <[tmsimulator_scenery_object][element][2] //Runway #1 crosses runway #n/a ***Retained***



    <[tmvector3d][position][174.80640442 -41.33430263 0]>



    <[tmsimulator_scenery_object][element][3] //Runway #1 crosses runway #n/a ***Retained***



    <[tmvector3d][position][174.80742653 -41.31926948 0]>




  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for all the information provided above. Converting all the pngs on the 16-geoconvert-raw folder to bmps prior to run them through the content converter tool did the trick.


    I tried to make Madeira and Palma De Mallorca orthophotos, but it didn't work, I even tried to put the .ttc files in the Florida scenery images folder, then the Florida scenery worked, but Madeira and Palma De Mallorca orthophotos didn't.

    And I got as far as getting something in the Android Fs sim that looks like an etc2 compressed image but with a very strange red grid pattern (see image attached).

    How did you even get it to show the red lines, for me nothing shows up, I even reinstalled the app, but still nothing.

    I tried 16-geoconvert-raw folder and 16-stitched folders, but nothing showed up in-game, I also tried png-s and bmp-s, but it still didn't work.

    I would appreciate if you could help me a little.



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • How you added runways in the fscloudport airports?

  • How you added runways in the fscloudport airports?

    How do you even access fscloudport?

    It isn't free and it needs account and password.



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel