Can you post a screenshot of your Aerofly FS2 folder hierarchy?

Paris - Megacity Cultivation is online
please install the images into this directory:
Danke sehr. Ich will aber heute kann ich nicht, kein PC, morgen will ich vesuchen.
Can you post a screenshot of your Aerofly FS2 folder hierarchy?
I'll try what you said and what Tom suggested tomorrow (at the PC) if it doesn't work I will get a screenshot of the folder hierarchy.
Wouahou Paris in AFS !
This is an impressive work, thanks a lot !
I am particularly sensitive because I am from Paris and I spent the first 30 years of my life in that city.
And also because I had done a lot of work on OSM to import the height of the Parisian buildings. I had managed to update the height on more than half of the buildings in Paris (itself, not the suburbs): 49,000 out of a total of 86,000 buildings (more info here). When I have time I will have fun comparing what we can see in AFS with what we can see on F4Map (an OSM 3D viewer):
I had done a lot of work on OSM to import the height of the Parisian buildings
Then you are the guy to thank for, that the new scenproc script found so many buildings with a height.
This for shure was causing such an authentic looking city shape.
Hello TomSimMuc,
I am impressed by the vast area of cultivation added to the Paris area, however I have some issues to inform(please see this only as extra info) for possible future updates:
1. Modelling Le Centre Pompidou:
2. Modelling Musée d'Orsay:
3. Light place-shift for Hotel de Ville:
4. Some of the many low and flat blockformed constructions are misplaced and looks ugly:
Thank you for considering my suggestions. Regards from a virtual pilot enjoying VFR flights via the expertise of extra scenery makers for AFS2.
BTW there are a few specific buildings that could use a 3D creation, but no big deal. I may do some of them when I'll have some time. Is anyone compiling a list? So that we don't duplicate.
That said Tour eiffel is awesome, la defense also (grande arche, CNIT), many things are just purely brilliant. Thanks so much to all that did contribute.
From my first short flight (there may be more, but don't know yet):
Gare de l'est
Gare du Nord (a great building with statues (the statues symbolize the major cities it deserves, around the clock French cities, on top of the building international one))
CDG also could use some work, Aerogare 1 wasn't there (I'm not 100% certain, but I looked and couldn't find it, need to double check), Aerogare2 where built like the Concorde wing, may be worth doing too. There is a Concorde on display somewhere too, I didn't look for it.
Le Bourget also has some very specific buildings that are important like art deco buildings with a lot of history (Lindbergh), air and space museum.
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I didn't check other landmarks, but I will eventually
Like Beaubourg, forum des halles, Chaillot,
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Our post crossed, same subject. OK so we need a list and get on the project, Tom? Ryan, Ray?
Hello Ikbenik and Michael,
Thank you for your suggestions.
So to summerize missing buildings:
See this link for the updated list:
Paris - Megacity Cultivation is online
So everyone who wants to make one, please give me a note, so I can enter him to the list.
Le Centre Pompidou (=Beaubourg)
Musée d'Orsay
Gare de l'est
Gare du Nord
Aerogare 1
Aerogare 2
Le Bourget buildings (I am the airport author)
Charles De Gaulle buildings (Oldar is the author there, but exchanging buildings would be possible)
Forum des Halles
It's outside Paris, but belongs somehow to it: Versailles Castle
Aerogare 1 and 2 that is CDG. I'll check for more, where do we stand on bridges, that ia very important point for us barnstormers.
On CDG there is also a triple water tower that is very typical around it not too far:
OK I got the ortho to work, Tom had the answer, thank you very much.
SO now on the list:
Gare St Lazare; Gare Montparnasse; Part of the Louvre, including pyramid; Place de la Bastille (statue and monument) also Opera Bastille; Place de la republique (statue and monument); Place de la concorde (obelisque); Tuileries (fence); Grand palais; Petit Palais (not as distinctive maybe) Grande Halle de la Villette, Zenith;
All the bridges.
Gare de Lyon is OK for now, but once we have all the others (gares, or train stations), maybe a specific building can be adapted from them. The clock tower is also without a clock (because autogen) but it's distinct enough I think for the time being.
OK, I put them all to the list Miachael.
Now we need some volunteers, who agree to take a specific model to work on.
For each model an exclude KML should be generated too.
Gasy24 has started with these
Le Centre Pompidou (=Beaubourg) - Gasy24
Forum des Halles - Gasy24
Chaillot - Gasy24
Versailles Castle - Gasy24
See this link for the updated ToDo list:
Please don't forget to add:
- Palais Omnisports de Bercy
- Stade Roland Garros (the entire tennis complex)
- Place de Victor Hugo
- Pigalle (at least the Moulin Rouge)
- Rond Point de Champs Elysees (Hotel Meridien)
- Funiculaire de Montmartre
Cheers, Ed
Please don't forget to add:
- Palais Omnisports de Bercy
- Stade Roland Garros (the entire tennis complex)
- Place de Victor Hugo
- Pigalle (at least the Moulin Rouge)
- Rond Point de Champs Elysees (Hotel Meridien)
- Funiculaire de Montmartre
Cheers, Ed
No longer read something outrageous, look forward to what you got.
Please don't forget to add:
- Palais Omnisports de Bercy
- Stade Roland Garros (the entire tennis complex)
- Place de Victor Hugo
- Pigalle (at least the Moulin Rouge)
- Rond Point de Champs Elysees (Hotel Meridien)
- Funiculaire de Montmartre
Cheers, Ed
And also, if possible it would be nice to have 3D models for the magnificent bridges over the Seine. All of them are truly landmarks of the city by themselves.
Cheers, Ed
Please don't forget to add:
- Palais Omnisports de Bercy
- Stade Roland Garros (the entire tennis complex)
- Place de Victor Hugo
- Pigalle (at least the Moulin Rouge)
- Rond Point de Champs Elysees (Hotel Meridien)
- Funiculaire de Montmartre
Cheers, Ed
I put it all to the list in #1
However it gets only realized, if enough developers are helping.
I myself am more focussed to integrate all this and to extend the cultivation and airports.
Un séjour sans faille
For all those who already know Paris, and without being critical, I think it will be difficult to contemplate everyone, because there are no less than 2,185 monuments in Paris, so take advantage of what has already been done!
Yes, I agree. Hopefully with the contribution of talented people out there, some of all of the landmarks of beautiful Paris could be included.
Worked in La Defense for some years (Tour Aurore) and will never forget taking the RER from L’Etoile every day, round trip.
What a city!.
Cheers, Ed
Perfection is probably not practical nor expected, but, it sure is nice to have all these talented folks together on a user generated project. Thanks to all involved for this tremendous contribution to the community.
Un séjour sans faille
For all those who already know Paris, and without being critical, I think it will be difficult to contemplate everyone, because there are no less than 2,185 monuments in Paris, so take advantage of what has already been done!
Yes, but there are some landmarks that are quite prominent. And I think the spirit here is not to "demand" but rather to suggest ideas. It doesn't mean we don't enjoy what's already there and what is to come if there is, it's just a list.
Furthermore, but speaking for myself, I don't mind asking because I know I can contribute to creating the buildings I'm asking about.
So with Tom at the helm and his decision on what should make the list and what should not, we can create a list of potential objectives, and then go down and see what we can create out of it. If nothing is created or added, it is fine, anything created is great.
Maybe quite a few buildings already exist in the 3D warehouse and thus it's not too difficult to do. But the starting point is to have a list.