• Then ipacs will make the same move for us again .. Put an update again as if it were a new version of aerofly. It's incredible that is called theft ... The new aerofly 2021 will cost 9 dollars will include the same planes plus the EC135 helicopter that is a robbery

    You don’t have to have to buy it. You don’t pay for updates, you pay for the current state of the game. Every update is a bonus.

  • Then ipacs will make the same move for us again .. Put an update again as if it were a new version of aerofly. It's incredible that is called theft ... The new aerofly 2021 will cost 9 dollars will include the same planes plus the EC135 helicopter that is a robbery

    And Aerofly mobile is the best of the bests and quite cheaper. In the case you buy it every year:

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • Bro .. Aerofly is a thousand times better than the games you mentioned .. But the point is that .. They sell you a new version as if it were a new game .. For a simple helicopter it is not worth it .. Besides there is not even cold and dark on boeing planes ... If they added a next-gen Boeing 787-Dreamliner or Embraer it would be worth paying for a new game ... They should be more honest with users ... They should announce that the new EC135 will be out until 2021 as part of the new aerofly2021 and not as an update of aerofly 2020 .. That's the only thing that bothers me

  • It’s pure speculation the fact they will sell the update as AFS 2021. They said somewhere in the blog, I think, there’ll be a major update this year and big new features after that.

    There’s 2 choices: whether they sell a new Aerofly each year or so or they enter in a subscription program. I suppose they need to earn money as I do, as we do.

    We’ll see to what sauce we’ll be eaten (a French expression word by word translated);)

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • It is obvious that I am not going to buy it but I am going to be in charge of raising this stage in each group of mobile simulators ... So that they see the scam of each year ... Games like RFS, infinite flight, at least they are sincere honest and not they sell you the updates like a new game ...

    I just wanted to understand who said it will be like you mention it ?? It is Just an speculation.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • It’s pure speculation the fact they will sell the update as AFS 2021. They said somewhere in the blog, I think, there’ll be a major update this year and big new features after that.

    There’s 2 choices: whether they sell a new Aerofly each year or so or they enter in a subscription program. I suppose they need to earn money as I do, as we do.

    We’ll see to what sauce we’ll be eaten (a French expression word by word translated);)

    if its all about subscription this will be good because we will be able to access the global map, real weather and time.. maybe a multiplayer.. making this game to qualify to be a simulator but if its all about milking our pockets again with update and branding the same game as AFS 2021 then they wont be able to milk me coz this AFS 2020 was the last coin they will ever get out of my pocket.. the developers need money but they are very ignorant.. i hate this about ipac.. if am spending my hard earned money to appreciate and purchase their product then they should respect all the client whether mobile or desktop version.. if only ipac respect all their clients then this game could and have the potential to be the best simulator in both pc and mobile anyway thats my personal view

  • if its all about subscription this will be good because we will be able to access the global map, real weather and time.. maybe a multiplayer.. making this game to qualify to be a simulator but if its all about milking our pockets again with update and branding the same game as AFS 2021 then they wont be able to milk me coz this AFS 2020 was the last coin they will ever get out of my pocket.. the developers need money but they are very ignorant.. i hate this about ipac.. if am spending my hard earned money to appreciate and purchase their product then they should respect all the client whether mobile or desktop version.. if only ipac respect all their clients then this game could and have the potential to be the best simulator in both pc and mobile anyway thats my personal view

    Gentlemen for the time that I use AFS2 I never witnessed insults or arrogance by the developers with their customers there is a forum that the developers don't even talk to their customers.

    Another point let's be serious here, this is a simulator under construction Tell me what is a simulator? Simulator is everything that simulates systems or things of an object in a real way. This one is one of them, but not yet complete, can another multiplayer question be anyway? No, because I saw many who take this part of simulation and realism, multiplayer is already one of their plans. I believe that launching a new paid simulator is not really a path, but I believe that this is not an objective of IPACS.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • there is a forum that the developers don't even talk to their customers.

    Another point let's be serious here, this is a simulator under

    :/ let me guess... Insany Flight ? If you like to be crushed, deleted, censored, ignored, etc. This is your place.

    Yes this forum is plaisant at all.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • I can't speak here, because I can be banned because of the IPACS policy, they don't like comparison with names of competitors, because it can cause problems for them, I don't use this SIM platform. But there are well-known simulators that really treat the customer with disdain.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • There are better ways to earn money ... Substituting aerofly 2020 for aerofly 2021 and having the same thing that is called scam ... I and I advised ipacs to use social networks, Instagram channel, youtube, facebook to advertise their product and not even do I think they are rather not interested in selling it ... They can also earn money by offering new regions at 2 or 3 euros ... Also new planes at 5 euros seems like a fair price to me .. But I really don't know what ipacs are looking for

  • There are better ways to earn money ... Substituting aerofly 2020 for aerofly 2021 and having the same thing that is called scam ... I and I advised ipacs to use social networks, Instagram channel, youtube, facebook to advertise their product and not even do I think they are rather not interested in selling it ... They can also earn money by offering new regions at 2 or 3 euros ... Also new planes at 5 euros seems like a fair price to me .. But I really don't know what ipacs are looking for

    good idea bro... they should learn otherways of earning money from us... but i wont spend my coin for AFS2021 but if they bring an update lets say for example more regions to purchase or even more planes to purchase.. that one i can pay and be able to access but spending another 8dollar or more for the same game its a no to me

  • The post about PNW mut be an old one. I saw something like this a long time ago.

    And Yes, I got the new about Aerofly FS 2020 update after PC alpha and beta states...

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC