Help for development of the A330.

  • As I'm supposed to make the liveries, it will be possible when I'll get the liveries kit from Pilot boy



  • Yes! Completely agree!

  • I seem to notice that the engine start switches and the fire extinguishing buttons have gaps where additional switches would be placed on the A340 for commonality. Also, the reverse thrust levers are more like Boeings in the sense that they can be pulled back and lifted (see 747/777/787/737s for reference) without moving the actuall throttles, while the A320 has 2 switches that are clicked, then the actual throttles are moved.

    Kind regards and safe flying.


  • The developers have just brought two excellent planes to Aerofly (Boeing 737-900ER and 737 Max 9). This is not the time to ask for more planes considering that this is very hard and difficult work. Let's at least let them breathe.

  • The developers have just brought two excellent planes to Aerofly (Boeing 737-900ER and 737 Max 9). This is not the time to ask for more planes considering that this is very hard and difficult work. Let's at least let them breathe.

    Well, please use your two eyeballs and see that there is an outflow of community support and fellow users are creating a model, not the devs. No need to keep on coming back to me to complain.

    Please be more careful than this— review things before jumping to conclusions.

    Kind regards and safe flying.


  • As I said, if you just cut away the fuselage stations that were added for the stretched version and leave a gaping hole in the model you can automatically move all objects in front back to close the gap and everything in the rear forward by just changing a few parameter in the model.tmc for the exporter. You don't actually need a separate model if you do it right. The only downside is perhaps the repaints get a bit more complicated.

    I'm new to coding and things like that, so what are the different file types (example: .tmd) and what do they do?

    Kind regards and safe flying.


  • Hi Aerofly Community !

    i just found this thread and i must say kudos to Pilot boy and eliozo for attempting to make an A330 for the sim !

    if you need reference for the A330 don't hesitate to DM me or tag me in this thread, i'll see what i can do to contribute (i may not be that active on the forums, but i occasionally come here so i'll see your messages). In the meantime, here are some pictures from the flightdeck of an A330-343 (RR Trent 772B engines) i took :

  • The developers have just brought two excellent planes to Aerofly (Boeing 737-900ER and 737 Max 9). This is not the time to ask for more planes considering that this is very hard and difficult work. Let's at least let them breathe.

    If it's not a new plane it will be something else. Not sure they take time to breath.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • Hi Aerofly Community !

    i just found this thread and i must say kudos to Pilot boy and eliozo for attempting to make an A330 for the sim !

    if you need reference for the A330 don't hesitate to DM me or tag me in this thread, i'll see what i can do to contribute (i may not be that active on the forums, but i occasionally come here so i'll see your messages). In the meantime, here are some pictures from the flightdeck of an A330-343 (RR Trent 772B engines) i took :

    Thanks. Your pictures are beautiful.

  • What kind of timeframe are we looking at for physics and sound creation?

    As larrylynx said. Making an aircraft takes a long, long time. He said about 6 months and I think the A330 will also take this amount of time or even longer. Just having a model isn't going to work. Developer teams for the MSFS are much bigger and really know how to model, do textures, animate the objects, code systems, etc... and they need over a year to make an aircraft.

    So to conclude: I have no idea when the physics/sounds will be ready. But don't be impatient. This isn't a project which is complete in 2 weeks. Maybe we can finish earlier but I don't think so. When more people help the project might finish before Aerofly FS 5. (Ok, a little overexaggerated)

    If someone wants to help us in this early phase, please DM me or eliozo . We would really appreciate it!:)

  • As Master Obi Jan said, 'model the exterior parts first. though not necessarily all of them down to the last detail.' My grandad suggested workflow would be.

    Model the exterior. NO INTERIOR at all for now as its not needed yet and just wastes time and effort. UV map and texture the exterior, a simple colour would suffice to start with, no need for fancy liveries. Export your model to the intermediate folder, which should ideally not be your working folder. With all textures that you need in that folder try to covert it to show in the sim and that is where the problems start. You will need a workable TMD file in the intermediate folder plus others to make this happen, read up in the wiki. Do remember the config.tmc file.

    Getting the model into the sim will be a nightmare to start with as the aircraft TMD (if you plan on just one variant) or aircraft.tmd plus system.tmd (If multi variants) will need to be stripped down variants of, I assume, the A320 files. I think I have that right Master Obi Jan. I might even suggest a single variant tmd until you have it showing in the sim, you can then remove bits and set up a systems.tmd. Look at the A320 tmds for the work flow on multi variants.

    So in short, a basic textured model and get it into the sim.

    Once it's in, you can then start to add things and build it up. Its then, model, uv, texture, tmd, convert and it keeps on like that, The BIG RED cube will become a constant reminder you cocked things up. The tm.log in \Documents\Aerofly FS 4 will be a great help in tracking down all those errors. I use notepad++ plus Master Obi Jan's language plugin as it makes it look pretty and much easier to read.

    As a developer its no good shying away from the TMD files as you really need to understand them, so just get stuck in and work it out. Yes there will be questions and help is never far away.

    Edited once, last by larrylynx (March 4, 2024 at 8:52 PM).

  • Thank you for your excellent advice. This helps us with development.:)