For such a small team to produce what in my opinion is as good if not better than all the flight sims out there i think they deserve some credit.
Yes i have all the flight sims, yes they all have faults and niggles, but the shear fluidity in vr and super modelling of all aircraft is truly remarkable from a small outfit.
Yes theirs a few bits and bobs on the planes and scenery need doing but when you are flying anywhere above 5000ft the scenery is as good as msfs2020 in my opinion and leaves the rest of the sims standing
I see moaning about clouds, must be me as i think they are better that other sims more natural and cleaner, and all of the aircraft handle really nice. Again a few bells and whistles missing on some of them. but overhaul, they are as good if not better than the stock aircraft on other sims
What do i know, well been simming for over 40 years have pilots licence so think ive got an idea
pc well nothing special nvidia RTX2070 processor 4.5
don't usually make comments, more to reading them, but felt that this team deserves credit for such a outstanding bit of programming