Navigation Database AIRAC Cycle, Navigraph

  • Yes, they bought Simbrief and it is still a free service but without an active Navigraph subscription you only can plan and dispatch flights using an outdated Airac data cycle (2203)

    I have used Navigraph services a lot in the past to update the X-Plane mobile airac. In addition to updating navigation data, they also offer access to Jeppesen charts as well as a complete, very efficient flight planning system. And with Simbrief integrated, the quality of service becomes even better.

  • I would like to know if Navigraph support will be added to Aerofly to resolve the outdated airac issue. Have you contacted Navigraph? Is there any chance of having this support in the simulator? Outdated navigation data is very bad as you cannot do flight planning in Simbrief or SkyVector because the waypoints and airways do not correspond to those that are currently in Aerofly. Furthermore, we cannot use air navigation charts for the same reason. Jet-Pack (IPACS)  admin

  • As I tried to explain, Navigraph is not a solution for all our users because it leaves 95% of all customers behind and would also drive up cost significantly.

    But what do you mean it's not viable if you didn't even look for information about it? I completely disagree with your justification. It doesn't hurt to at least do a survey among users and also contact Navigraph to check the conditions for including this support in the Aerofly FS. Again, your justification has no basis. Today, the vast majority if not all flight simulators, whether PC or cell phone, have Navigraph support for updating navigation data, which is the best solution at the moment. Carrying out flights with outdated airac is very bad as we cannot make flight plans either in Simbrief or SkyVector. Furthermore, there are no conditions for using navigation charts because the airac data do not correspond. Please request a new analysis and a new position from the IPACS team regarding this matter.

  • As I tried to explain, Navigraph is not a solution for all our users because it leaves 95% of all customers behind and would also drive up cost significantly.

    But Aerofly FS is obviously lagging behind in terms of navigation data. And according to my observation, the positioning of the airport on the map in the "Location" and "Navigation" interfaces in the game does not only rely on the runway data in the airport file. It also relies on navigation data. Navigation data also appears to provide some information about the airport. This results in that if the ICAO code of an old airport is used by a new airport, the new and old airports will be displayed on the map. But in fact there is only one of the airports, the other is nothingness. This is indeed an aspect that needs to be addressed.

    Thousands of lights such as day, such as a dream, the end of the world at this time. :)

  • Yes, you're all so right, but that's why you still don't get it even if you point it out 1000 times 🤦

    If IPACS didn't have to constantly answer the same questions, IPACS would have more time to focus on current issues. I think you're now getting annoyed with the same things over and over again

    We just hopelessly hope the support of an AIRAC cycle! Even an old one like 2201 would fill my heart. Today I use AIRAC 1301 (c’est pour dire) in Europe for a 96% of fulfillment. It works in Japan too, but not at all for SID and STAR. And today, for example, there’s RNAV leading to the runway at Aspen or Innsbruck, which is not the case in the actual database.

    The other solution (not the better one, but at default…) would be to be able to import a .pln file (Microsoft FS) in the navigation menu. Navigraph can export those flight plans include SID and STAR details. A very-non-user-friendly method can do it today, and it works. And there’s not only Navigraph, Online Flight Planner is free and you can choose the AIRAC cycle.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • Yes, you're all so right, but that's why you still don't get it even if you point it out 1000 times 🤦

    If IPACS didn't have to constantly answer the same questions, IPACS would have more time to focus on current issues. I think you're now getting annoyed with the same things over and over again

    Man, we are discussing a subject of extreme importance. If you don't want to help us with this issue, there is no point in your presence in this topic as your comments are useless and do not contribute anything to Navigraph's support reaching Aerofly.

  • But Aerofly FS is obviously lagging behind in terms of navigation data. And according to my observation, the positioning of the airport on the map in the "Location" and "Navigation" interfaces in the game does not only rely on the runway data in the airport file. It also relies on navigation data. Navigation data also appears to provide some information about the airport. This results in that if the ICAO code of an old airport is used by a new airport, the new and old airports will be displayed on the map. But in fact there is only one of the airports, the other is nothingness. This is indeed an aspect that needs to be addressed.

    Apparently IPACS does not want to bring Navigraph support to the simulator. They claim that at least 95% of users could be left behind without being able to update airac since it is a subscription that costs money. This idea is mistaken due to the fact that there is a good number of users who can easily pay at least the monthly subscription to Navigraph, which costs just over 9 euros. This subscription price is even lower than Aerofly's own twelve-month subscription. Furthermore, IPACS did not even contact Navigraph to find out the conditions, much less consult with simulator users about Navigraph support.

  • I reiterate that bringing Navigraph support to the simulator is the best option to resolve the outdated airac issue. For those who cannot pay, we can think of solutions such as bringing together a good number of users and splitting the subscription fee. This way it would be much cheaper for each user to update the airac. Here in the country where I live, several PC simulator users get together and divide the price of the Navigraph subscription so that each person gets a much lower price.

  • IPACS should introduce a feature in which we can export our flight plan into simulator/fmc like xplane or msfs there are other 1 or 2 website from which we can make flight plan (free) and export into fmc


    150000 Nautical Miles of flying done with Aerofly Global FS
    Longest Flight [VHHH-CYYZ] 15H25M 7589 NM B77W

    Bluestacks 5 Emulator

  • As I tried to explain, Navigraph is not a solution for all our users because it leaves 95% of all customers behind and would also drive up cost significantly.

    I don't think this is really the case, probably many users would subscribe to Navigraph to have a better simulation quality, and well, if people are not satisfied with the price, just create a community and divide the subscription fee between 4 or 5 people and all use it without spending a lot, even if this arrived on Aerofly I would share my subscription with users who don't have the means to subscribe

  • Even little navmap, a free open source tool has Navigraph support, so I don´t understand why Aerofly can´t, but again there must be a valid reason behind this.

    • Navigation data can be updated from Navigraph. A cycle 1801 database courtesy of navigraph is included in the download and includes navaids, airways, airspaces and procedures.

    I also don't understand this ill will from IPACS towards Navigraph. It is perfectly viable to bring this support to solve this outdated airac problem once and for all.

  • If we only knew the file structure of Aerofly's navigation database. ;)

    Obviously navigation concerns the position of VORs, NDBs and fixes, STARs and SIDs, airspaces, the magnetic model of the world and the corresponding name of runways as well as the exact state of airports (ILS, new runways, closed runways, taxiway naming, etc.) and frequencies for navigational aids. I imagine updating all of these into a cohesive model again can be quite tricky, be it by updating the internal model or building a service which updates the model from an external source.

    (While building the Missionsgerät I encountered quite a lot of details about navigation which blew my mind.)

    But actually it would be very nice to optionally pay for a service which updates these informations.

    Hm, or should we start a Kickstarter to ensure funding for the acquisition of new navigation data and/or a Navigraph API importer? ;)

  • As we mentioned before, we intend to update our navigation database and we never said we will go only for a specific solution neither did we say we will discard other ones. But it's not a matter that can be decided right away, it requires careful planning and we want to ensure we reach as many users as possible.

    Thank you for your reply. As you can see, many users want you to update the navigation data. I think this might be a valuable reply.

    But there also a question and suggestion:

    On the maps in the game interface "Locations" and "Navigation", the display of airports seems to rely on navigation data. If the ICAO code of an old airport is used by a new airport, the new and old airports will be displayed on the map. But in fact there is only one of the airports, the other is nothingness. From this I speculate that on that map, the navigation data will provide the airport's runway and location information. But if the navigation data is wrong, the airport display will also be wrong. Can something be done to improve this problem? If it's difficult, just pretend I didn't say it.

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    Thousands of lights such as day, such as a dream, the end of the world at this time. :)