• Hello everyone -

    I have an idea: We'll have a gliding competition! 8)

    Question: Who can do the longest thermal flight?

    The sporting conditions:

    Takeoff and landing site is: Farrenberg

    Permitted: Only pure gliders (not with engines!)

    Start: winch start (no airplane!)

    Important: The landing must take place again in Farrenberg. All other landing locations will be considered a “crash” and will result in disqualification and a penalty.

    So: Who will be the best glider pilot? :S

    Yesterday I started and submitted the ASG 29: I managed 57 km (31 NM) and, by the way, also passed my pilot's license for gliding. Because, as I remember, part of the test is a 50km flight over land without a crash. ;)

    Anyone who wants to take part can post the recorded flight with take-off and landing as a screenshot here in this thread as proof.

    I wish everyone good luck (I'm the best anyway!) ;)

    Here is my flight from yesterday:

  • Oh no, so my 1h 47min from Innsbruck to Farrenberg doesn't count then?
    And I assume only flights in Aerofly FS count, right? hahaha

    Hope to see you upload your glider flying video on YouTube, it is much more interesting than in the Aerofly FS! It is also a very useful tutorial!

    Thousands of lights such as day, such as a dream, the end of the world at this time. :)

  • This Békéscsaba-Szeged distance is actually 90 km. Let's say from airport to airport 100-105, max 110. I think the simulator also added the length of the circles to the distance traveled. The start was made with 2 up arrows. On iOS, the winch only works on new gliders. I was still 2,000 meters at Szeged. :)

  • This Békéscsaba-Szeged distance is actually 90 km. Let's say from airport to airport 100-105, max 110. I think the simulator also added the length of the circles to the distance traveled. The start was made with 2 up arrows. On iOS, the winch only works on new gliders. I was still 2,000 meters at Szeged

    This route does not meet the specified conditions. The participant is disqualified. Jet-Pack too! ^^

  • This route does not meet the specified conditions. The participant is disqualified. Jet-Pack too! ^^

    It's okay, I just gave it as an example. As I said, the simulator also includes the circles in thermals in the distance covered. It would be better to measure the distance on a map. According to Google Earth, my journey is only 95 km, but according to the simulator it is 148.

  • It's okay, I just gave it as an example. As I said, the simulator also includes the circles in thermals in the distance covered. It would be better to measure the distance on a map. According to Google Earth, my journey is only 95 km, but according to the simulator it is 148.

    Yes, of course. That was my actual idea too. Measuring the correct geographical route and not "climbing". Welcome back on board! ^^

  • Some wind directions are more equal than others unless ridge lift is disabled.

    I thought I had a fair idea of how it all worked, but I learned a lot more from this website:

    Sources Of Lift - Soaring - Chess in the Air
    Unlike helium or hot air balloons, sailplanes are heavier than air. Unlike airplanes, they have no engine. And unlike birds, they cannot flap their wings.…


  • Any videos of glider towing by aircraft or winch in this new version of the sim ?

    Would really like to watch ;)

    Main Simulation Rig:

    Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

    Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

  • Any videos of glider towing by aircraft or winch in this new version of the sim ?

    Would really like to watch ;)

    Here is a towing in Lukla. :)

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  • An interesting take-off from Hahnweide RWY 13L.

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  • Something tells me that this is more a challenge of spending enough time, rather than an actual measurement of skill in flying gliders.🙄

    Most of us probably could keep a glider airborne in Aerofly in high thermal settings for 10+ hours, but not many of us are willing to spend that much time.😅

  • It turns out that I'm one of those weirdo's that's willing too spend soo much time. In any case, here's the flight: Farrenberg - Schanis - Farrenberg, 148 NM or 274 km. The start was made using a single 'Quick lift up'. There was a 6 km/h breeze from the West, so that didn't really influence the flight, but maybe improves thermals🤷‍♂️, which are set to the maximum. Oh, and the battery of the ASG 29 ran out slightly after 3 hours, so the approach and landing was made without the flight computer.😅

  • Something tells me that this is more a challenge of spending enough time, rather than an actual measurement of skill in flying gliders.

    The real challenge should be landing at the departure airport. If you are too far away and can no longer find thermals, you have a problem. I imagined it like that.

  • I'm on the mobile version, but I assume I'm welcome to try? I did an extra long route during the past weekend and some long one with a pure glider a couple of times.

    I'll try the Farrenberg takeoff and see where that leads me and try also to come back to the same place, which would be the optimal thing to do for glider pilots.

    P.S: I've been seing videos of gliding for a couple of years and I'd like to join a course to try to get my license eventually. JAN, you up for a duo class some time? Haha

    Attached my last pure glider flight (not from Farrenberg but from Innsbruck).

    Aviate, navigate, comunicate. Keep the blue side up! (wink wink)

    Edited once, last by fighter_pilot21 (May 26, 2024 at 11:07 PM).

  • Trying to reach Innsbruck but I didn't get any thermal on the last part and was very difficult to get the ridge climb with the direction of the wind that was previously set up (didn't want to cheat either).

    This is so far my best attempt

    Aviate, navigate, comunicate. Keep the blue side up! (wink wink)