Hey All..
I see a lot of people requesting features for Aerofly and while they are all extremely valid it does surprise me that there aren't more people asking for some kind of basic multiplayer support. Aerofly is currently such a nice VFR sim for shooting circuits or flying aerobatics or doing VFR cross country flights that I think some simple multiplayer support could really help boost the numbers of people flying. I have a lot of friends who would love to join a game with me and just spend a few hours shooting circuits or flying in formation, especially in VR. Grab a teamspeak channel.. Somebody sits on the ground and pretends to be the tower.. Its just like back in the days of FS-98!
Honestly I'm getting a little bored of flying around this beautiful world all by myself. A large part of the fun of flying for me is interacting with the tower or other aircraft, and currently everything just feels a bit lifeless and dead. But if you throw a few friends in there, things suddenly get a lot more interesting!
I'm not looking for anything complex, just like you have with the Aerofly RC Sims.. Host gets to chose cloud, time of day and wind etc.
Not to mention I'd love to fly with you guys as well!
Anyway, Thoughts?