Aerofly vs FSX & P3D

  • I remember Solo Flight but never got that one. I did have SubLOGIC's sim though. Who didn't :)

    I also owned just about every single flight simulator that came out on multiple systems from that point. I was obsessed.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • Gentlemen, you know our stance with comparing us with other current flight simulators out there. We have deep respect for all of those other sims and the developers that work tirelessly, and we believe there are good points and bad points for all of them, including us. I just want to make sure no one references any challenging remarks 'ours is better than yours' because we feel that each flight simulator out there has their own market and we can all feed off of one another. You know who wins here? the entire flight simulator community, that's who.

    Hey, don't get me wrong. Each sim has it's good and bad points. I am just about to purchase Rex Skyforce for my FSX as it adds more beauty to a great sim..

    My point in this thread is mainly the VR quality in FS2. It raises the bar drastically and shows what is achievable with todays technology. The other contenders need to see that this is the way forward and IPACS has shown that high quality scenery and fantastic framerates can go hand in hand.

  • I'm better known for having and then uninstalling them all :)

    Looking fwd into AEFS2 future !

    Main Simulation Rig:

    Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

    Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

  • Gosh I'm really going to show my age now....

    My first sim was a program yourself on a spectrum...well i say first sim... I never did get it to work.. probably missed a comma or a period somewhere. I believe it was 1983 or was it 82...groan ... now where did I put my Zimmer frame..Has anyone seen my cup of tea :rolleyes: ok this isn't funny anymore. whose got my cuppa...........


  • Now, on the IPACS side of things, they need to ask themselves if the way in which aircraft are made for the sim is going to encourage filling our virtual skies. In other words, can the designers of aircraft for other platforms EASILY port their designs over?, or are they going to have to spend a year learning a whole different design architecture and starting again from scratch with unfamiliar tools? That's something I hope someone is looking at, and I hope the answer is encouraging.

    Well... afaik there has been one developer who gave it a try, Lionheart Creations, and the last thing I read about that is that he gave up on it (last summer). Not too encouraging. Maybe there have been more developers who looked at porting their planes to AFS2 but I haven't heard of them.

  • It's hard not to compare sim platform, I mean I own 95% of ORBX stuff and a lot of FlyTampa and Areosoft addon so yes I now have V4 installed.

    But hey, when trying to fly in ORBX KSAN with V4 my FPS dip under 15 sometime... so for me it's unplayable.

    So even if AF2 as some flaw (not for me) I can forget the FPS/stutter/OOM problem and just have fun in minute.

    I still use V4 but I have to choose my location carefully.

    My only REAL wishes for AF2 is a slightly better weather engine.... and ho, yes, an Heli


    BennyBoy. I5 8600K @ 4,3ghz, 16 ram, GTX 1060 6G @ UW @2560 X 1080. Sim: AF2 & P3D V4

  • Hi everybody, as on old flightsimmer since first release of FSX, I agree with all enthusiastic people with VR flights in AFS2, it's really amazing !

    But what I'm waiting for is the possibility to hear ATC ! without it, it seems to me that AFS2 will always be a simulator for VFR pilots !!

    It's my own opinion, maybe lots of you don't wish IFR controlled flights....

  • Hi everybody, as on old flightsimmer since first release of FSX, I agree with all enthusiastic people with VR flights in AFS2, it's really amazing !

    But what I'm waiting for is the possibility to hear ATC ! without it, it seems to me that AFS2 will always be a simulator for VFR pilots !!

    It's my own opinion, maybe lots of you don't wish IFR controlled flights....

    ATC is planned but due to the complexity of it it's going to still be some time before it meets our standards and is released to the community.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • So even if AF2 as some flaw (not for me) I can forget the FPS/stutter/OOM problem and just have fun in minute.

    I still use V4 but I have to choose my location carefully.

    My only REAL wishes for AF2 is a slightly better weather engine.... and ho, yes, an Heli


    True... I am looking forward to FTX Netherlands a LOT and I am still in doubt if I should buy it for P3D or AFS2 but I am almost certain that in P3D the performance will be absolutely terrible... and since I am planning to only fly VFR in the Netherlands I do think I will buy it for AFS2. Even though it will always be a sunny day and the planes are basic. But I just HAVE to see that scenery with an fps above 100!!!


    I am happy to see I am not the only one who is wishing for a better weather engine but drhotwing1's post erased all my hope with his post about ATC... ;( This means we won't get better weather within a few years. Not from IPACS, at least. And I seriously wonder how long I will enjoy simply flying around above FTX Netherlands without purpose in a basic plane in static circumstances...

  • I never said that an advanced weather system for Aerofly would take a few years. I just want everyone to have a realistic view as to how long developing some of these big features really take to get right. We have big dreams here at IPACS, believe me when I tell you that, but the team is small, and the core programming team even smaller.

    We need to prioritize what's important to the community, but also we have to make some tough decisions related to when these features are actually going to be worked on. We have a progression and we all hope that at the end of the day all of the features, big and small, mentioned by all of you wonderful people will in fact be in Aerofly. This could take a while though.

    My suggestion is to enjoy what is currently in Aerofly knowing that there will come a day that you look back at this moment and say 'Wow, I can't believe how far Aerofly has come', and of course ' I can't believe that IPACS pulled it off' :)

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • And once again, we come to this point: Perhaps you have to hire more programmers. This is especially true now that the game is being marketed as out of early development. Us old timers bought a program that we knew wasn't finished, and we had patience. New purchasers are buying a product that is being marketed differently. They are going to expect more progress.

    I have to say, I was disappointed to learn that ATC doesn't appear to be very close. And Like J van E that implies to me that other things, like weather, are even further off. I'm glad that you are being honest, but I am also thinking about installing P3D on my new computer after all. I need those features in a sim, at least occasionally.

  • I never said that an advanced weather system for Aerofly would take a few years. I just want everyone to have a realistic view as to how long developing some of these big features really take to get right.

    I know! But:

    I have to say, I was disappointed to learn that ATC doesn't appear to be very close. And Like J van E that implies to me that other things, like weather, are even further off.

    My point exactly. ATC is taking quite some time, I'd say it will have taken a few years by the time we get it. So how long will weather take...? Those few years PLUS the time is takes to develop the weather. That's at LEAST a few years.

    I'm glad that you are being honest, but I am also thinking about installing P3D on my new computer after all. I need those features in a sim, at least occasionally.

    Which is what I have done. And after my last reinstall of Windows 10 I haven't even reinstalled AFS2, I am sorry to say. I don't need the P3D features occasionally, I need them all the time. Very personal and subjective but it is what it is. I simply can't be satisfied by flying VFR on a sunny day all the time. The ones wo can are very lucky to have AFS2 though! ;)

  • I hope time is not invested in gimicks for the youngest generation who have to socialise and 'cool dude' each other, I'm on about multiplay. It might even bring in money but it is nothing to do with simulating a real world ride in an aeroplane. Some audio feature would be OK but flying in tandem through a mountain pass would leave me stone cold.

  • @J van E - You probably already know ORBX gives discounts if you have products on FSX/P3D. Performance is a different story though. Nvidia is due for announcing the next gen of GPU if they stick to the same timeline that they’ve kept with Maxwell and Pascal. Things are a bit jumbled though. Volta is already out but seems aimed more at AI. It’s got HBM2 memory and screams. The pundits say Ampere will be the next consumer card and it should have similar performance over Pascal. If Volta is a guide, that could be a 2-4x increase and help make up some of the performance issues in FSX/P3D. It’s not here yet, though, and if the other releases are a guide, won’t be available until late spring/early summer.

    Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog, MFG Crosswind pedals, 2 dof Motion, Valve Index

  • ATC is planned but due to the complexity of it it's going to still be some time before it meets our standards and is released to the community.

    Thank you for your honesty, I really understand the difficulties to create a realistic ATC with SIDs, STARs, etc...That's why a solution could be to integrate the work of other developpers, and make PROATC X compatible with's just an example..

    I'll continue flying in VFR , as Corsica in 1m/pixel resolution and with the oculus rift is a great experience !!