• In my opinion we buy a product as is, every update is a bonus....Complaining will not speed up development times.

    For flying a helicopter in VR Aerofly FS 2 is the best there is, X-Plane has a handful of heli's with a good flight model but you get 30-40 frames per second which is not enough for good control with a heli. Good simulator though for airliners with that frame rate.

    The other sims on the market are even worse with heli flight modelling with the exception of DCS but then you will need a very high end PC for good frame rates in VR....

    With Aerofly FS2 we have 90 FPS in VR on a modest game PC!

    And Microsofts coming product looks good but will probably need a high end PC too for those high end graphics., but no VR support, heli's or gliders when it hits the market...

    Nowadays we have a handful of good simulators to choose from, each have their weak and strong points and I am confident Aerofly will get a lot better in time, patience...


    Peter Splinter

    i5-7400@3,4 GHz, 16GB RAM, GTX 1660 Super, Pico 4, Quest 2 , 'Vintage' Pro Flight Trainer, X52 Pro, VKB pedals

    Edited once, last by PjotR22 (July 10, 2020 at 2:23 PM).

  • As únicas paisagens de qualidade no aerofly são as do ORBX. As feitas pelos usuários são apenas fotos do google maps adicionadas a edifícios

    Eu não vejo ilhas do Havaí dessa maneira. Veja as fotos da paisagem. É um cenário bem projetado. Não subestime um trabalho que apenas aqueles que sabem sobre o trabalho que realizam e ainda o disponibilizam aqui gratuitamente. Se você não gostou, não a despreze, mas prepare as idéias PRONTAS. Vamos concordar em não subestimar o trabalho de ninguém.

    As ilhas do Havaí foi um trabalho intenso e ficou bem feito sim na minha visão e de várias pessoas aqui.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • Não vamos criar um tópico de "Haters" aqui, esse fórum é só para quem acredita no Aerofly e para dar sugestões construtivas para a IPACS, se você não ver fulturo não fique desmerecendo a comunidade. Obrigado.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • Não vamos criar um tópico de "Haters" aqui, esse fórum é só para quem acredita no Aerofly e para dar sugestões construtivas para a IPACS, se você não ver fulturo não fique desmerecendo a comunidade. Obrigado.

    An Opinion has nothing to do with Hate.

    If you do not criticise, there is no improvement. If all users do is compliment, this will not help.

    I am indeed very grateful for the development of some scenery, e.g. the Island of Kauai. But the work of individuals which have done an amazing job has nothing to do with the fact that IPACS is very slow at improving their simulator which is sad.

  • An Opinion has nothing to do with Hate.

    If you do not criticise, there is no improvement. If all users do is compliment, this will not help.

    I am indeed very grateful for the development of some scenery, e.g. the Island of Kauai. But the work of individuals which have done an amazing job has nothing to do with the fact that IPACS is very slow at improving their simulator which is sad.

    Leute,euer gejammer geht einen auf dem Geist.:thumbdown:

    Ja, ich habe mich auch schon beschwert weil ewig kein Update kommt.

    Aber es sind 5-7 Mann sollen die 24 Stunden und 7 Tage in der Woche Arbeiten.

    Wer es besser und schneller kann soll selber einen Programmieren,oder geht zu FSX oder X Plane 11 oder noch besser, kauft euch bitte denn MFS 2020 der sogar mit 2 RTX 2080 ti ruckelt. Freue mich schon wer da alles in die Sch....greift.:D:D


  • This is for what I know of the only sim on the consumer market now that makes good use of a modern 64 bit multi core CPU. Longtime Vulkan support helps a lot for the GPU part.

    That's why X-Plane and others dated graphics/game engine are much slower in frame rates.

    I like the animated water in DCS and the traffic animation in X-Plane but these sims will have (like FSX, P3D) no future in the long run with their outdated engine...


    Peter Splinter

    i5-7400@3,4 GHz, 16GB RAM, GTX 1660 Super, Pico 4, Quest 2 , 'Vintage' Pro Flight Trainer, X52 Pro, VKB pedals

  • Another post where the choir start singing and sing like canaries you are, As us old'uns know the last line of the song is " we'll tell you when we are ready to tell you and not until"

    For the cold and dark comments and why it takes so long, so, lets see just how easy it is. We'll take the simple battery master switch. Easy right you just flick a switch.

    Well first we need a nice pretty 3d switch, UV and texture mapped of course, we also need its location and its axis. Some code to make it move and that's it...ah..... but, what about the rest.

    Is the battery discharged or good ?

    Do we have external power, is it connected and powering the electrics ?

    Are the engine or engines running and powering the electrics ?

    What about the APU, is it running and powering the electrics ?

    For a helicopter, what about the rotors, are they turning and powering the electrics ?

    If we are really smart, do we have a RAT ?

    So now we have an idea of where to look for electrical power but where does it feed to and what feeds it. So now we need electrical busses, generators, TRU's, external power generator, starter generators, contactor's, consumers etc..Engines to power the generators, which need fuel systems and engine components. Switches to make all those work and lets not forget about the gauges and pretty lights. Plus more but it will get boring

    We also need a simulator to run it all in and that's as much as I know on this subject.

    So for a simple switch it's a really big deal with lots of code. I get the easy option, I just "borrow" Jan's code and adjust it for my needs but Jan has to work from scratch.

    So when we say, where's the updates and where's cold and dark, lets take a step back and wonder about what really goes on under the hood. Take a peek at any TMD file to see just some of it.

    I do agree more news would be great but their policy is what it is so we just have to lump it.


  • Isto é para o que eu sei do único sim no mercado consumidor agora que faz bom uso de uma moderna CPU multi-core de 64 bits. O suporte de longa data ao Vulkan ajuda muito na parte da GPU.

    É por isso que o X-Plane e outros gráficos datados / mecanismo de jogo são muito mais lentos nas taxas de quadros.

    Eu gosto da água animada no DCS e da animação de tráfego no X-Plane, mas esses sims (como FSX, P3D) não terão futuro a longo prazo com seu mecanismo desatualizado ...

    É exatamente isso, é o ponto que eu gostaria de ressaltar.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • Well, Aerofly FS2 got me in to flight sim so I think Ipacs is doing something right. In the beginning I was just flying around but wanted to learn more. Watched a lot of YouTube and learned to navigate and a new world opened up. The planes are not too advanced and that makes it easier to learn how things works too. Tried xplane and learned a bit more. But VR sucks in xplane so I went back to Aerofly. So I guess my point is that at least Aerofly is a very good place to start if you want to get in to flight sims. I tried Xplane and DCS in the beginning and it was just too overwhelming. I understand that hardcore simmers want more, but then this sim just isn't for them...

    Edited once, last by Thuster: Spelling (July 10, 2020 at 10:12 PM).

  • oder noch besser, kauft euch bitte denn MFS 2020 der sogar mit 2 RTX 2080 ti ruckelt. Freue mich schon wer da alles in die Sch....greift.:D:D

    ...LoL, ja, genau. Da wird sich nach dem Release wieder "tot getweakt". Und wo landen frustrierte User wieder letztendlich? - genau, bei performanten Sims a` Aerofly FS2.

    Kann mich noch gut an den Community Leitspruch nach dem FSX Release erinnern: Tweakts du noch oder fliegst du schon ^^ ? Leicht möglich dass wir diesbezüglich in einigen Monaten ein Déjà-vu erleben werden.

    Beste Grüße

  • Guys, a bit out of hand this thread is getting. The old me would have deleted this by now :) But we are going to just keep following our course, keep working on what's to come, listen to criticism from our community, and try not to judge.

    What I will tell everyone, and it's a bit redundant, that we are very busy. If you read into this statement you will know from it that there is plenty more to come! We are not done yet, and this is not a ghostware.

    Give us some more time and we will try very hard to please everyone.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • Nobody cares about landscapes and planes free .. We work to buy addons ... And not to be waiting for free scenarios ...

    Okay, now this is just uncalled for.

    A lot of members are hard at work creating free scenery for others to enjoy, and some of these are at or above payware level.

    The developers are busy creating content for this wonderful VR sim, let them be and get on with the development rather than having to come here and defend themselves and their product.

    Please go elsewhere and whinge, I certainly do not want to read it. Thanks......

    Handy cultivation tools

    Windows 10 64bit | iCore7-7770K| ASUS STRIX Z270E |KHX2400C15D4 - 32GB | Gigabyte Ge-Force GTX 1080Ti| SSD Intel 520 Series | 40" Philips BDM4065UC/75 4K - Oculus Rift

  • Guys, a bit out of hand this thread is getting. The old me would have deleted this by now :) But we are going to just keep following our course, keep working on what's to come, listen to criticism from our community, and try not to judge.

    What I will tell everyone, and it's a bit redundant, that we are very busy. If you read into this statement you will know from it that there is plenty more to come! We are not done yet, and this is not a ghostware.

    Give us some more time and we will try very hard to please everyone.

    Yeah i agree that it Escalated a little bit. But the main "core" of the Thread is still true tho. I believe that you are very busy, and im not saying this game is dead. But repeating yourself over and over and always saying "Give us more Time" wont Please the Community. I was asking Jan if he could tell us, what you are currently working on. No Response, and im sure he read it ;) If a feature is almost ready to release (wich i hope it is) then you can tell the Community about it, with no problems at all.

  • Yeah i agree that it Escalated a little bit. But the main "core" of the Thread is still true tho. I believe that you are very busy, and im not saying this game is dead. But repeating yourself over and over and always saying "Give us more Time" wont Please the Community. I was asking Jan if he could tell us, what you are currently working on. No Response, and im sure he read it ;) If a feature is almost ready to release (wich i hope it is) then you can tell the Community about it, with no problems at all.

    We only ask for more sincerity and transparency from the developers towards the users but they never say anything ... We also suggest that they take up their social networks .. Facebook page .. Instagram .. Youtube .. But they don't even bother to say what they will do the possible to retake that ... The product is dead in marketing .. It seems that it does not matter to them if they sell their product or not .. If they tried to sell their product better with better marketing there would surely be thousands of downloads and more capital to hire more developers and work faster on updates .. But surely they will read this and will not say a word ...

  • We only ask for more sincerity and transparency from the developers towards the users but they never say anything ... We also suggest that they take up their social networks .. Facebook page .. Instagram .. Youtube .. But they don't even bother to say what they will do the possible to retake that ... The product is dead in marketing .. It seems that it does not matter to them if they sell their product or not .. If they tried to sell their product better with better marketing there would surely be thousands of downloads and more capital to hire more developers and work faster on updates .. But surely they will read this and will not say a word ...

    I also dont get why drhotwing wanted to "Delete this Thread" if it was his alter ego. Like... ???? Thats just a prime example of someone who A: cant accept the Truth, or B: is not able to handle critisism

  • I also dont get why drhotwing wanted to "Delete this Thread" if it was his alter ego. Like... ???? Thats just a prime example of someone who A: cant accept the Truth, or B: is not able to handle critisism

    Well, you must understand that drhotwing was the "Thread Terminator" in the past, and his old me would have terminated this thread after the first post for shure ;).

    Me must acknowledge the transition of drhotwings old me to the new one, who is presenting us a vast gain of serenity :thumbup:

  • Well, you must understand that drhotwing was the "Thread Terminator" in the past, and his old me would have terminated this thread after the first post for shure ;).

    Me must acknowledge the transition of drhotwings old me to the new one, who is presenting us a vast gain of serenity :thumbup:

    Well okay, but is this the way you should handle Critisism? I mean sure there are some Threads that are just Useless and should be Deleted but this right here is just the Truth. We aint telling some lies about the Devs. THESE ARE FACTS! And if DeLeTiNg A tHrEaD that is pure Critisism is the Way you Treat your Community, then you dont Deserve a Community that Loves, Plays, and Supportes this Game.

  • Bem, tudo bem, mas é assim que você deve lidar com o critisismo? Quero dizer, existem alguns Threads que são apenas inúteis e devem ser excluídos, mas isso aqui é apenas a Verdade. Não estamos contando algumas mentiras sobre os Devs. ESTES SÃO FATOS! E se DELETIR UMA PESSOA que é pura Critisismo é a maneira como você trata sua comunidade, então você não merece uma comunidade que ame, jogue e apoie esse jogo.

    O fato de o drhotwing querer fechar o tópico é devido a alguns comentários desnecessários que causaram confusão. Sim, você pode sugerir melhorias, dando sugestões construtivas ao AFS2 e elas ouvem, sim, mas não exagere em críticas indignas, trabalhar em uma plataforma de simulador não é fácil eu digo por experiência própria. Eles vão lançar algumas coisas legais e nós vamos ser felizes, aqui já está cheio de sugestões, afinal eles não são movidos por pressão. Felicidades a todos.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .