Was neues für AeroflyFS2??

  • Einfach ein Gewerbe anmelden, kostet 20 Euro ...

    und schon gehts los, geile Addons produzieren und reich werden ...auf gehts !

    Ich bin nicht vom Fach, und ich rede die Produkte von den Leuten hier auch nicht schlecht!!

    Ziehe denn Hut,vor denen die sich viel Mühe geben.Da sage ich Hochachtung. :thumbup:

    Aber Ich möchte für gute Sceneryen zahlen,die in das jahr 2020 passen.

    Mehr Möchte ich nicht,ich mache Flugsimulation seit 98...und langsam wird es mir hier langweilig. ;)

    Ich hoffe einfach noch das irgendwann mehr kommt. :)

    Grüße Enrico

  • We will of course publish new stuff. It's a little too early yet to announce anything, but once we have resolved a few more issues we can tell more. But we can say for sure already that we are working on Europe and it's looking quite nice.

    Ich bin ein Fan von Aerofly FS 2, ich bin einfach zu ungedultig. ;)

    Und öfters zu vorlaud!!! ^^

    Ich bin einfach vewöhnt,aber ich freue mich natürlich wenn wieder was kommt. :thumbup::thumbup:;)

    Und Danke Ihnen für Ihre Geduld,mit manch einen von uns...so wie mit mir. 8):D:D

    Vielleicht können Sie es auch ein wenig verstehen. 8)

    Grüße Enrico

  • I don't agree with the logic of aerofly ipacs development, just compare other simulators that have updates every semester at least which for me is enough, but here there is a kind of secret "Oh because we can't reveal anything because we're still working" I bet the european scenery is maybe 10% better than the ones that some members managed to get from the mobile version which for me doesn't make any difference here there has always been this thing of only publishing something when a thousand things dressed perfectly in good condition. Ask users who enjoy the scenery of London and the uk they are sure to say they have fun even if they can't ride the vulcano, so spend years just promising things so that only when they meet your strict and determined requirements to be resolved that I never understand? Just rethink the question of why there are games that update monthly without the need to promise ... for months and keep making suspense? lack of staff? let's go guys work on ways to win more audiences aerofly is not just anyone out there.

    can banish me judge me i'm 49 nothing like scolding shakes me more

  • I don't agree with the logic of aerofly ipacs development, just compare other simulators that have updates every semester at least which for me is enough, but here there is a kind of secret "Oh because we can't reveal anything because we're still working" I bet the european scenery is maybe 10% better than the ones that some members managed to get from the mobile version which for me doesn't make any difference here there has always been this thing of only publishing something when a thousand things dressed perfectly in good condition. Ask users who enjoy the scenery of London and the uk they are sure to say they have fun even if they can't ride the vulcano, so spend years just promising things so that only when they meet your strict and determined requirements to be resolved that I never understand? Just rethink the question of why there are games that update monthly without the need to promise ... for months and keep making suspense? lack of staff? let's go guys work on ways to win more audiences aerofly is not just anyone out there.

    can banish me judge me i'm 49 nothing like scolding shakes me more

    My patience for arguing about this is simply gone. Always the same things, I prefer don't discuss what I don't work with! And I haven't experience as in the Development part. Only who understands is who actually works. It is like a doctor wanting to tell an engineer how he should calculate the Yield and Power of a jet propulsion in which the same model that the engineer designed!

    Yes, I have a lot of fun with the Cultivation of UK scenery that our friend here on the forum made available to us for free on Flight Sim Org everyone here can have it.
    I just try to have the most fun with what I already have!
    We look forward to future updates and remember that we are still experiencing some turmoil caused by a virus!

    Let's fly guys!



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • witzig !

    Da fehlen dann ja nur noch die 5000 Euro für den derzeit besten Rechner ( und selbst auf dem muss man die

    Grafik in VR noch endlos runterschrauben will man keine Dia-Show sehen ) und derzeit kann man nicht mal

    entsprechendes kaufen, wenn man denn wollte ... weil ausverkauft .

    That's not a valid comparison.

    If turn down the MSFS functionality and graphics to FS2 level, I get a similar framerate, but I still can fly everywhere in the world.

  • Mine is bigger/better or faster than yours arguments are going on forever about this or that sim. I have heaps of games that I do not play but at least these posts keep the economy going and encourage developers to continue their work. The best sim is the one that suits you and your set up. When it does not then move on and stop these pointless posts.

    Edited once, last by AOB (July 23, 2021 at 4:41 AM).

  • For what its worth here is my take on it, I've been around for awhile and used other flight sims, built 3 TB of scenery and was very pleased except after some years I realised that its not perfect, scenery and building pop ups, stuttering and other issues. Most of my pilot friends decided to go for X-Plane 11, I tried the demo and it brought my computer to its knees.

    I decided to go it alone and purchased the DVD version of FS 2.

    I recall very well the first flight, I was totally blown away by the fact it was so smooth running, incredibly high FPS that I had never seen before in past simulators, it was truly a joy to fly.

    IPACS are a small team dedicated to providing all of us with a first class product and I appreciate that they are working very hard behind the scenes, lets remember its a simulator and a darn good one at that.

    Ich Stimme Ihnen voll zu,ich mach Flugsimulation auch schon seit 98..und die FPS sind bei Aerofly FS 2 einfach ein Traum. :thumbup:

    Da kommt auch der neue nicht ran!!!!

    Mein Problem ist,ich bin immer zu voreilig und zu vorlaut,darum wurde ich hier auch schon gelöscht. :P:)

    Bei mir ist es einfach nur ungeduld,weill ich einfach was anderes gewöhnt bin (jede woche eine neue Scenery für (FSX ,P3D oder X Plane11).

    Und darum ist mir langweilig,möchte aber das alte Zeug auch nicht mehr Installieren ,also werde ich wohl warten bis was Neues hier kommt. :thumbup::)

    Enrico ;)

  • Bei mir ist es einfach nur ungeduld,weill ich einfach was anderes gewöhnt bin (jede woche eine neue Scenery für (FSX ,P3D oder X Plane11).

    I guess if you could travel with your plane around the real world like you can in AFS2 - it would soon be boring - and you would be hungry for more planes, more scenery and better graphics ...... etc. :/

  • We will of course publish new stuff. It's a little too early yet to announce anything, but once we have resolved a few more issues we can tell more. But we can say for sure already that we are working on Europe and it's looking quite nice.

    I'm really looking forward to it! :thumbup: I hope we'll see some screenshots soon!

    I don't agree with the logic of aerofly ipacs development, just compare other simulators that have updates every semester at least which for me is enough, but here there is a kind of secret "Oh because we can't reveal anything because we're still working" I bet the european scenery is maybe 10% better than the ones that some members managed to get from the mobile version which for me't make any difference here there has always been this thing of only publishing something when a thousand things dressed perfectly in good condition. Ask users who enjoy the scenery of London and the uk they are sure to say they have fun even if they can't ride the vulcano, so spend years just promising things so that only when they meet your strict and determined requirements to be resolved that I never understand? Just rethink the question of why there are games that update monthly without the need to promise ... for months and keep making suspense? lack of staff? let's go guys work on ways to win more audiences aerofly is not just anyone out there.

    can banish me judge me i'm 49 nothing like scolding shakes me more

    Yes, exactly what I'm thinking, I don't like the secrecy either, I just don't understand it, IPACS should be more open with development and share some screenshots of the new European scenery or tell us more about what they are working on, and their plans and roadmap.

    no. 80 h Dl time... plus streaming garbage --- yawn...

    It seems like you have really bad internet connection, I have 100 mb/s and it should be enough for MSFS 2020 and it isn't expensive, I see your description that you have RTX 2080 Ti, if I would have that, then I would switch immediately to X-Plane 11 and MSFS 2020 and never come back to Aerofly, but I have intel hd graphics. ;(

    X-Plane 11 has so many high quality study level planes, nearly every plane that has ever been made. And there are so many high-quality payware sceneries in X-Plane, there is even high quality Tallinn Airport that is in my country, and it's so easy to develop scenery, there's World Editor program for it, and there are some addons for X-Plane 11 that make it look like MSFS 2020, with volumetric clouds and new lightning.

    MSFS 2020 has so amazing graphics and environment, and everything looks so beautiful and detailed, the streaming is very good option because then you don't have to download the whole 2 PetaByte world to your computer which is impossible, in there the SDK is good too, it's inside the simulators 3d engine and seems easy to use.

    While in Aerofly I would have to write some codes manually in notepad, and use some codes that are not working, like the cultivation one, use very expensive programs, like the one for airport creation, or use some very old programs that just DON'T WORK. I got so frustrated and gave up.

    For MSFS 2020 and X-Plane 11 new high quality payware scenery addons are released EVERY DAY, but there's none for Aerofly for so many months, I'm sure it's because of the broken and hard to use SDK.

    I guess if you could travel with your plane around the real world like you can in AFS2 - it would soon be boring - and you would be hungry for more planes, more scenery and better graphics ...... etc. :/

    NO, this is just not how it works, it's very different in real life and it wouldn't get boring. Is this sarcasm? I hate sarcasm. :cursing:

    Only now and today: 49999,99€!!! ||

    Are you kidding me??? :cursing: No one will ever give you 50k €, people better use their 70€ and buy MSFS 2020. I see in description that you have also RTX 2080 Ti, so just go use MSFS 2020 and X-Plane 11 they are so much better than Aerofly! :)





    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel https://youtube.com/@P_L_A_Y

    Edited once, last by P L A Y (July 24, 2021 at 3:33 AM).

  • I don't agree with the logic of aerofly ipacs development, just compare other simulators that have updates every semester at least which for me is enough, but here there is a kind of secret "Oh because we can't reveal anything because we're still working" I bet the european scenery is maybe 10% better than the ones that some members managed to get from the mobile version which for me doesn't make any difference here there has always been this thing of only publishing something when a thousand things dressed perfectly in good condition. Ask users who enjoy the scenery of London and the uk they are sure to say they have fun even if they can't ride the vulcano, so spend years just promising things so that only when they meet your strict and determined requirements to be resolved that I never understand? Just rethink the question of why there are games that update monthly without the need to promise ... for months and keep making suspense? lack of staff? let's go guys work on ways to win more audiences aerofly is not just anyone out there.

    can banish me judge me i'm 49 nothing like scolding shakes me more

    I do not disagree with this view, is it possible to share the progress of the work with the players can also be a secret?To be honest, I don't understand what it is to hide, no one is forcing them to update.Those game manufacturers who have official accounts can better accept the views of users to improve their products.