Comparison of Reality and Simulation
If you have similar example pairs in your collection, feel free to add your comparison photos here!
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That's why I zoom in a lot more in aerofly. It feels a lot more realistic that way
That's why I zoom in a lot more in aerofly. It feels a lot more realistic that way
Yeah both pictures are taken without any zoom
Great pics! I enjoy comparing real and virtual landscapes very much. It greatly enhance the immersion of flying in the virtual world, knowing that it's "real".
Aproach to Miami intl airport.
Nice comparison! I'll have to go and fly there once again this weekend. What's your visibility setting?
Less nice comparison. I hope to see something like this in the sim at some time though...! I just love raleigh scattering! And those clouds up to the horizon!
Nice comparison! I'll have to go and fly there once again this weekend. What's your visibility setting?
Less nice comparison. I hope to see something like this in the sim at some time though...! I just love raleigh scattering! And those clouds up to the horizon!
In the real world you never have 100% visibility
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Actually I found that the slider 100% is not even far enough for some days. There are days where you can see very far!
E.g. I've seen the alps from over 100km away at 2500m high up on several days.And if you are at cruise altitude on an airliner you might be able to see thunderstorms some several hundred miles away. Or at least I've seen a CB when we flew over Frankfurt and I could still see it as we were descending on the approach into Berlin. That's roughly 300+ km of visibility. This works because at this high altitude the horizon line is also that far away plus you get the extra 10km of height of the CB... So from the ground you couldn't see it but from up high, yup.
And I eventually want to see weather that far out in Aerofly. It would be mind blowing to fly towards a thunderstorm for more than an hour and see it getting bigger and bigger on your wind screen until you are just the tiny little airplane underneath it. Would also be cool to see some flashes of light at night. -
And I eventually want to see weather that far out in Aerofly. It would be mind blowing to fly towards a thunderstorm for more than an hour and see it getting bigger and bigger on your wind screen until you are just the tiny little airplane underneath it. Would also be cool to see some flashes of light at night.
Can’t wait!
I do love these Real vs Sim comparisons.
If nothing else, it forces one to examine the settings you use in the sim, once you see they are not as realistic as you thought!
Visibility is top of that list... here are the numbers for your easy reference:
A person standing on the surface can see about 5km, due to curvature of the earth.
At 1000 m, theoretically you could see a surface object over 100km away.
But atmospherics interfere and you will not ever see those pinsharp images you can set in most sims.
40km is a realistic number when looking through the atmosphere at surface scenery on a "clear" day.
Of course, if your eyes are turned to the heavens this improves; the dense part of the atmosphere is only ~16km thick, and on a clear night one should not have too much trouble clearly seeing the Andromeda Galaxy at 2.5 million light years.
Actually I found that the slider 100% is not even far enough for some days. There are days where you can see very far!
E.g. I've seen the alps from over 100km away at 2500m high up on several days.And if you are at cruise altitude on an airliner you might be able to see thunderstorms some several hundred miles away. Or at least I've seen a CB when we flew over Frankfurt and I could still see it as we were descending on the approach into Berlin. That's roughly 300+ km of visibility. This works because at this high altitude the horizon line is also that far away plus you get the extra 10km of height of the CB... So from the ground you couldn't see it but from up high, yup.
And I eventually want to see weather that far out in Aerofly. It would be mind blowing to fly towards a thunderstorm for more than an hour and see it getting bigger and bigger on your wind screen until you are just the tiny little airplane underneath it. Would also be cool to see some flashes of light at night.You're right I mean In the real world you rarely have 100% visibility in cities.
Flight from S97 Anderson field to Brewster, Washington.
Available soon as a new scenery of my Washington North series at flight-sim.org
WaN: S97 Brewster
My own TrueEarth scenery of La Crosse, WI
. Many hours involved, yet no where near finished.
Google Imagery provides a great consistent natural Color until I reach here in Downtown La Crosse when Google 3D enhances the area which uses more vibrant colors. Bing is very consistant with Colors for the area but lack image clarity. Looking forward for updated satellite imagery in future and USGS implementation for Aeroscenery.
Added Night Lighting Textures: Much trial and error getting the correct brightness.
I look at AF2 scenery creation as a toy train hobbyist. Slowly building a world that you can play in. Thanks
This is really a very good scenario and similar you have created. Congratulations, Jake!
My own TrueEarth scenery of La Crosse, WI
This is really great.....