When was the last time IPACS made a change to this game? All I see these days is third party pay to play stuff.
IPACS Making any changes?
All I want is Oregon and Washington state, with cultivation and photoscenery from IPACS, not ORBX. I am happy to pay for it too!
IPACS has created a beautiful and superbly performing product. I never returned to FSX, and like so many others, I’ve been flying the virtual skies since the Commodore 64.
I remain faithful, supportive, and optimistic. -
- Official Post
We are working full time to bring you new features and content. It is too soon to tell when these will be ready for release but you will probably see an announcement when the release is near.
Arbeitet IPACS auch noch am ATC
MFG Enrico
Jan is working extremely hard to make sure we have a second rotary aircraft available in the very near future.
IPACS developers are perfectionists, they want everything they released to be sound and elegant , and they did. I admire their spirit and capability very much.
Although this can really slow things down, in my opinion, such pursuit of perfection is what bring us love Aerofly so much and altering it with numbers of new features is improper because it may cause Aerofly lose its pros and become mediocre. (Although the developing speed is indeed too slow
However, what really makes us players who really want a brighter future of this sim is that the developers don’t seem to have definite plan or goals and stick to it. What exactly makes IPACS so secretive and so shy to tell even a little bit of what to expect with us? Even though you have very limited resources, you can set lower goals each year and our players can absolutely accept it and are patient for the next update and keep loyal to this sim, as long as we know there is a goal, as long as we know this sim is not dead!
Indeed, the long-term thriving of a sim depend on 3rd party devs. and recently we have very active community developers. But before the sim itself become strong enough, how can we expect its future to be supported by 3rd party developers?
Anyway I don’t feel Aerofly is on a healthy growing path. IPACS, please!!! Plan the future of this sim we all love carefully, stick to it and be brave to post it, letting everyone know. There’s nothing to lose, only bringing more attractions and (to be frank) sales and money!
I really enjoy AFS2 in VR, it has very detailed airports that no other sim has, scenarios with real textures , high quality airplanes and everything at great fps speeds.
i dont need a roadmap
i dont need a roadmap
Maybe you don’t, but Aerofly does.
How many are there in the ipacs team?
- Official Post
2 core programmers, and a handful of us doing anything from scenery/modelling, aircraft functionality, and whatever else that is necessary.
We are a very small team
I'd love to know a bit more about this helicopter. Is it going to be worth buying Lukla?
The Lynx has been ready for weeks but iPacs devs need to finish their heli converter software which has been put on the back burner.
Arbeitet IPACS auch noch am ATC
MFG Enrico
After looking at Aerofly FS2 RC ATC I am also wondering about this. Aerofly FS2 RC ATC seems to go into everything IPACS stand for. One of AFS2 main features is the ease of use. When it comes to setting up and use Aerofly FS2 RC ATC turns AFS2 into a complicated FSX-like sim where you need to go through all kinds of trouble just to get the basics installed, let alone use it...! And even then ATC still is a basic (almost temporary) solution, lacking all kinds of features (which isn't Aerofly FS2 RC ATC's fault btw). Seems to me it is the opposite of IPACS wants for their sim? Aerofly FS2 RC ATC certainly isn't an add on for the regular AFS2 user and certainly not something I'd buy (because the ease of use is one of the main reasons I still fire up AFS2 every now and then). So I am really looking forward to what IPACS is working on! Sometimes I can understand why IPACS wants to do everything by themselves.
If all your interested in is "ease of use" might I suggest you do NOT use my Lynx when it is available as you will have to start it from cold and dark every time, even if you crash..no in-flight starting, no on runway ready to go...all those buttons to press, so best not for you
As we all know IPACS is a small and dedicated team so where would we be if we simply waited for them to do what they want..
No FSCloudport airports
No AFS2 Cultivation/Scenery editor
No AeroScenery
and these are just a few of the very useful and essential tools we need to make FS2 what it is.
If all your interested in is "ease of use" might I suggest you do NOT use my Lynx when it is available as you will have to start it from cold and dark every time, even if you crash..no in-flight starting, no on runway ready to go...all those buttons to press, so best not for you
I've created my own cold and dark 'mod' for the Q400 so I can use it more or less as my favorite Majestic Q400 so I am not talking about THAT kind of "ease of use".
I am talking about how easy AFS2 is to install and setup and how quickly you can get in the cockpit to start your flight (cold and dark or not
AFS2 has 'ease' written all over it: it makes perfect use of Steam (one click install for everything), has extremely easy setting screens, a very easy (well, imho too easy) planner, etc. and I am hoping (expecting) IPACS's ATC will have a similar approach. So no need for various required downloads, various installation (!) pdf's, multipile installs of various programs, several required keys, multiple programs to get things done... it's too complex for the regular AFS2 user and I even wonder how happy IPACS is with all this because it makes the sim looks complicated while IPACS wants to make a sim that easily accesible! But well... that's what you get if you don't deliver the goods on time yourself.
It's really difficuly to keep waiting when you don't know what you're waiting on.
Really a very good first step would be multiplayer and VATSIM support. Maybe even more than local ATC, since that ai is always limited compared to human interaction. The new ATC mod is something I won't be installing since it sounds mostly like it was in FSX, and as stated above - it's complicated. In real life I do enjoy some good RT interaction, but sims just don't cut it for me. So I hope for something amazing, or vatsim
No ATC for me either. Can’t stand the joined up words. Reminds me of the dark days of MFS.
It's really difficult to keep waiting when you don't know what you're waiting on.
It's really difficuly to keep waiting when you don't know what you're waiting on.
I totally agree !!! Because I get bored about waiting and not knowing what I'm waiting for, I'm constantly loosing my interest in Aerofly FS2.
The new ATC mod is something I won't be installing since it sounds mostly like it was in FSX, and as stated above - it's complicated.
Hi antigoon,
When you say "it's complicated," are you referring to the installation process of Radar Contact or interacting with air traffic control?