Video showing helicopter sling load in Aerofly

  • Yes, I wanted to ask how much does this Professional version of Aerofly FS 2 cost, and where could I buy it?

    I would just like to fly with the new Eurocopter AS350 with the new sling load feature. :)

    What are these legal reasons why the AS350 cannot be included in the consumer version? :/

    The AS350 was created as part of a contract between VRM and IPACS and the contract prohibits selling part of the product for other reasons than stated in the contract.

    The Aerofly FS VRM version is a fully blown motion simulation, EASA certified for real world pilot training. More than three years of development and a team of more than 20 people made this possible. The VRM team performed a high number of test flights with the real world aircraft to record flight data. The flight model of Aerofly FS VRM version was then verified together with the motion platform movements, safety requirements, the control force simulation and a lot more.

    If you own a real world helicopter flight school for example you can order the professional flight sim version together with the motion platform and flight controls from our partners at VR Motion in Switzerland. Keep in mind that this product serves a completely different target audience than the consumer versions of Aerofly FS 2. It's not something you can easily afford for your personal use at home and it's far more than just the flight sim itself.

    Even though the R22 flight model that we have in Aerofly FS 2 today has a different set of parameters and some differences in the physics simulation, the overall flight model is 'just right' and because of that we were able to adopt and validate the flight model against real world flight data measurements. This to me proves how great the underlying physics engine of Aerofly FS 2 really is.

  • I will also leave now, you can delete this post too. Before I definitely leave I would like to thank Jan (Jet-Pack), he does a great job, no doubt.

    Larrylynx aircraft productions is hereby terminated

    To all, keep safe and to quote Spock

    Live long and prosper

    I've restored your posts and I'll talk to admin about it tomorrow. It's getting pretty late here but please just let me say this before you leave:

    It's pretty frustrating to read what you have said especially when you have little insight into how much work went into making the Aerofly FS VRM version and how many extra hours were invested on that project.

    We're not going to give up on Aerofly FS 2 especially now that it has been verified that the flight sim physics engine is even suited for professional pilot training. We've certainly learned a lot and as I said earlier the consumer version is also going to benefit from the VRM version.

  • Thanks for deleting my post, guess you guys really do have a thin skin

    Larrylynx aircraft productions is hereby terminated

    To all, keep safe and to quote Spock

    Live long and prosper

    Deleting posts, but more specifically, editing the wording of them without any indication that it had been done, is why I left a couple years ago. I only drop in now to report bugs. I don't think they realize just how annoying that actually is to users, *especially* ones that have donated a lot of their own time to make contributions to this sim like larrylynx.

    Add to that, the huge amount of enthusiasm people have had to volunteer countless hours of their time and efforts and try to make tools and aircraft to grow the sim, and the near lack of support from IPACS to do so (I know larrylynx in particular encountered this for a good long while with his heli and nearly stopped development on it altogether). It's just a shame. We've had people like nickhod who are professional coders, trying to build all sorts of cool tools for people to expand and customize the sim, and ultimately giving up and leaving because of roadblocks they hit that they got no dev support with. I'm not even referring to major feature requests; I'm talking very basic functionality tweaks of SDK tools that would have enabled his stuff to work better.

    When I first figured out how to use the geoconvert tool to refine terrain meshes, my post on how to do so was first deleted until I complained. I had to convince the forum admins to allow it, and agree to put a disclaimer about how it might break regions in the sim before they put it back up. It ended up being very popular with a lot of people using it, and building further on it to refine their own sceneries. It added a lot of value to the sim for many users, and like most of the user developments, we essentially had to reverse-engineer things to make it happen and work around unknown limitations and bugs in the SDK tools.

    I do respect people like Jet-Pack a lot. He's a good guy who does try to be helpful. It's just the closed-wall culture of this sim itself which has caused a lot of great people with huge enthusiasm to eventually have their excitement damped and move on to other things. Also, it's clear that dev focus is largely going into the mobile version and niche customers. I don't mind that -- I just wish things would be more straightforward about realistic expectations for future features and additions. I think it was 2017 when I first bought AeroFly FS2, and I can say firsthand that while they've added a few nice new aircraft and great VR support, many of the things that have been implied as "planned" aren't here yet. This is a sim best taken as what it is, right now, and consider any future additions as bonus gravy, because the future roadmap is uncertain to users and the dev team is too small to do things at a pace competing with other packages. I don't mean that negatively -- it's just a realistic statement of observation based on history.

  • I agree, Jetpack is the most honourable and helpful guy and is the glue that keeps this forum going.

    admin should apologise, not to me as I'm past caring, but to the forum members, they got it dead wrong. I made a simply statement of fact. The fine line between censorship and dictatorship was crossed and sadly that's when it's time to leave.

    • Official Post

    The advances you see in the professional version of Aerofly FS will eventually also be added to our consumer version, no matter if PC or mobile. However the changes we did are significant and would break quite a lot of things, so we will incorporate those enhancements in a next major version of Aerofly FS, when we don't have to ensure backward compatibility.

    It is not our intention to censor in our forum. The problem is, that some postings that are being made, do not reflect the truth. We could in theory reply to every and each posting to clarify this, but it would be tedious and time consuming simply because there are more users than developers. It's the big problem with online communities in general, that it is difficult to maintain a good balance here and we definitely don't always do it the right way, we will apologise for this.

    To correct some of the statements here, no the development of our consumer version is not slowed due to the development of the professional version, it's quite contrary. And like we said before we do not prefer a specific platform, we try to add all features to all platforms.

  • I've restored your posts and I'll talk to admin about it tomorrow. It's getting pretty late here but please just let me say this before you leave:

    It's pretty frustrating to read what you have said especially when you have little insight into how much work went into making the Aerofly FS VRM version and how many extra hours were invested on that project.

    We're not going to give up on Aerofly FS 2 especially now that it has been verified that the flight sim physics engine is even suited for professional pilot training. We've certainly learned a lot and as I said earlier the consumer version is also going to benefit from the VRM version.

    I wanna chill in here and thank the whole team for creating this amazing simulator, I truly enjoy it😀 And in performance it currently beats all other platforms, especially in VR. So just keep up the great work!

  • The improvements tend to come in big steps so it would not do any harm for us to be patient for a while. Work being done on one platform does not mean another has been abandoned.

    Fully agree mate. If and when AF3 and xp12 are released I'll buy both of them in a flash.

    The worst flight sim $'s I've ever spent has to be msfs2020, lol! I bought it from Steam and used it for a few weeks. I found that its interface was clumsy to navigate and VR performance was terrible (even with my i9 9900k/RTX3090). Also got tired of multi-Gb updates. I've uninstalled it but it's still in my Steam library. Maybe I'll give it another go when it finally gets out of Beta and includes stock heli's, better flight models, and performance improvements.

    One good thing is that it showed me how good FS2 and xp11 actually are, esp. in VR.

    i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro w/Air Link, Vive Pro

  • The AS350 was created as part of a contract between VRM and IPACS and the contract prohibits selling part of the product for other reasons than stated in the contract.

    The Aerofly FS VRM version is a fully blown motion simulation, EASA certified for real world pilot training. More than three years of development and a team of more than 20 people made this possible. The VRM team performed a high number of test flights with the real world aircraft to record flight data. The flight model of Aerofly FS VRM version was then verified together with the motion platform movements, safety requirements, the control force simulation and a lot more.

    If you own a real world helicopter flight school for example you can order the professional flight sim version together with the motion platform and flight controls from our partners at VR Motion in Switzerland. Keep in mind that this product serves a completely different target audience than the consumer versions of Aerofly FS 2. It's not something you can easily afford for your personal use at home and it's far more than just the flight sim itself.

    Even though the R22 flight model that we have in Aerofly FS 2 today has a different set of parameters and some differences in the physics simulation, the overall flight model is 'just right' and because of that we were able to adopt and validate the flight model against real world flight data measurements. This to me proves how great the underlying physics engine of Aerofly FS 2 really is.

    Ok, I checked out the VRM Switzerland's website and I saw, that they are not selling the Aerofly FS 2 Professional version, but I discovered that there is another hidden aircraft that VRM doesn't want to give us, or make it payware addon, and it's the Kopter SH09

    It looks very nice, similar to EC 135, but I especially like its cockpit, there are 2 big touchscreens and big windows, it's a shame that there is no way we can have it!

    People are leaving the Aerofly FS 2 because seems like the developers don't care anymore about the PC version, they are busy with the Mobile and VRM version, and I don't understand why VRM doesn't want regular users to have these 2 amazing helicopters, but we can have the R22?



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • It seems that the other models, e.g. H125 and the Kopter SH09 (now owned by Leonardo btw) have been developed under contract for VRM, and they have probably funded the project, so that is probably reason why it might not come to the consumer AF2 version? Which is very unfortunate indeed.

  • I just wanted to understand one thing when you say "We don't have a big team, we don't have time" Is it because you are ahead and prioritizing VRM? while we stayed here liking and thanking you for your good excuses and answers? ok small team but how you must know with you invest in social networks or something else to be able to grab moress and more customers increase income and hire more people Anyway, this is with you, I just think it's CRAZY that mobile versions are way ahead of the computer version that is much more expensive, but if you want to earn more money and customers you will have to make some efforts because most of the people who know Aerofly don't do it. they don't buy due to the fact that everything is slow and very hidden you are very closed and this is not just me who speaks it is not the voice of several customers

    read and after you can delete*

  • Could you consider offering some of that support to a competing sim?

    What do you mean by that? Yeah, I posted 2 threads, Problem with EC135 Liveries Previews Highskids and Lowskids and New livery B777 ready for Hawaii asking for help with the liveries, and no one helped me, IPACS just doesn't care about 3rd party developers.

    An yeah when I get a new PC, then I definitely will be trying other flight simulators like XP11 and MSFS 2020 and if there are no updates for Aerofly FS 2 PC version, then I will be leaving too.

    It seems that the other models, e.g. H125 and the Kopter SH09 (now owned by Leonardo btw) have been developed under contract for VRM, and they have probably funded the project, so that is probably reason why it might not come to the consumer AF2 version? Which is very unfortunate indeed.

    Who is Leonardo? And I don't understand why they don't want to allow these helicopters for the consumer version. They could make it payware aircraft and they could make even more money by selling it.



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

    • Official Post

    To summarize some questions, assumptions and to correct some misleading statements:

    - We are actively developing Aerofly FS for all platforms, no platform is neglected. Keep in mind our code base is almost the same for all versions.

    - We do not prioritize any platform.

    - The reason that mobile and desktop versions are not always in sync are manifold. On mobile we usually come out with a completely new version to avoid problems with new features not running on all hardware. On desktop we prefer a longer life cycle per version and rather come out with a major new version, when a lot of new features and content is ready.

    - What you see in the mobile version now, will come to a big new version of Aerofly FS for desktop computers, but in a much improved manner, e.g. improved traffic, more regions and new aircraft models as well as flight model improvements.

    - We are developing a professional version of Aerofly FS together with VRM, that is intended for helicopter flight training.

    - VRM recently certified Aerofly FS through the EASA. Aerofly FS is the first simulator that can be used for training with a helicopter in VR.

    - VRM intends to certify the H-125 helicopter next. The H-125 is so far intended for the professional version only.

    - Advances either from the development of the professional version or from our consumer version will be integrated in the other versions if possible. It's our intention to keep a homogeneous code base across all products.

  • Thanks for the answers, very much appreciated. Concerning the SDK, is improvements coming to that as well. For instance, possibility to manipulate weather and other simulation conditions dynamically? This is what I personally would hope for.

  • - What you see in the mobile version now, will come to a big new version of Aerofly FS for desktop computers, but in a much improved manner, e.g. improved traffic, more regions and new aircraft models as well as flight model improvements.

    Yeah, that's very good news! :thumbup:

    - VRM intends to certify the H-125 helicopter next. The H-125 is so far intended for the professional version only.

    What about the Kopter SH09? Is this coming to Aerofly FS 2 consumer version?



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • Answered they will launch a new Aerofly with 10000GB in the next year and more powerful, that is, it will not work with medium and hight computers, but with last generation macs and Alienwares ok perfect

  • Answered they will launch a new Aerofly with 10000GB in the next year and more powerful, that is, it will not work with medium and hight computers, but with last generation macs and Alienwares ok perfect

    Part of this question I can answer according to a post by Jan here on the forum in which a user asked about how demanding the update made to new features demanded, Jan highlighted only a slight CPU requirement of around 5%, Unfortunately this topic is very difficult to find I can't find it, but I'm almost 100% sure that it was said.

    Let's be a little less exaggerated guys, I like all of you, can't wait to try new features.

    I know it is a long wait, but I believe it will be worth it as we have been shown at some point and that is why I'm still here!!



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .