It occurred to me over the weekend that Aerofly FS2 is a bit like Apple - it just works
I don't have as much time for simming as I'd like, so quite often it's a case of "I have 15 minutes - where should I fly?".
Here's my finding across the various sims (I'm not bad-mouthing any of them - they're all good at some things and not so good at others - these are just my personal observations):
X-Plane: A few minutes deciding which plug-ins I might want to use, about 10 minutes to load (photo scenery, so it takes forever, even on SSD) - so maybe 5 minutes flying out of 15 minutes.
MSFS 2020: 5 minutes or so to load the sim. Switch to VR, it crashes to the desktop. Go and make a cup of coffee. So zero minutes flying out of 15.
FS2: Fire up the sim, put the VR headset on, fly. About 14 minutes 30 seconds flying out of 15, all with a big grin on my face.
Thank you IPACS, for giving me the max flying fun per minute