So, we finally have the wonderful new R22 available to us. I've spent many hours over the weekend and come to appreciate the fidelity of the flight dynamics in "Profi" mode as well as the great quality of the rendering inside and out. So, I'm starting this thread as a tribute to the dev-team with a couple of suggestions for further improvement, rather than a criticism of what they have released to us - free of charge to the existing users!
1. Increased pitch trim authority. I can't trim out the cyclic forces with speeds in excess of 70 knots, but require a constant forward push in order to remain in level cruise flight. I have a modified Thrustmaster Warthog cyclic with the Rainman extension and Sahaj's blue spring, and this combo is wonderful - just enough resistance to return the cyclic to zero when released, without requiring any more than a light pressure to move.
2. Ability to remove the doors. Doesn't have to have fancy opening and closing animation, but simply a way to remove the doors for precision vertical referencing, when hovering OGE.
3. Cold and dark mode. Would be great to have the option to enter a cold and dark cockpit and bring this beast to life oneself!
4. Option to have a button-bush being "repetitive" when held in. Particularly for trimming, it would be nice to push and hold in order to let a trimming motion take place, rather than multiple single clicks.
That's it from me - for now