Silly question, I know, but I have looked and looked through online sources and the manual, but I can not seem to find how to access the playback function. How do you access the replay?

Replay function
The bar along the bottom of the screen.
Ray -
Hit P and the bar appears
Silly question, I know, but I have looked and looked through online sources and the manual, but I can not seem to find how to access the playback function. How do you access the replay?
Hi GACSavannah
First, you have to determine what you want to record, and then view it.
To display a specific flight range, proceed as follows:1º) .- You must press the "P" key (= pause). If you are already flying, at that moment, the flight stops. You press "P" again, and at that moment, the flight continues; In addition, from that moment the entire flight is being recorded.
2º) .- When you decide that you no longer want to continue flying and you want to see the recorded, again press "P"; A bar appears at the bottom of the screen, and to your left (in the left corner), you must click that arrow. At that moment the reproduction of the recorded begins.
3º) .- By clicking the square that is inside the bar, you can drag it along the strip and leave it exactly where you want it to start reproducing the flight again. Imagine that you are doing landings and you want to see the landing at the moment of touching ground, well and again, because that you get by moving that square just a little to the left of the bar.
I hope you understand, even if it's a bit cumbersome the first time.
Ragards: Delfin -
And I want to add, that you can toggle between the different views during replay.
This is a good feature for creating videos. -
Absolutely agree with you, Rodeo
Delfin -
Thank you everyone, I will give it a try
Everyone, it worked just as you said. Thank you!
A for creating videos.
recommendations on tools ?
Yes, IF you have Win 10:
Press Windows+G. There is a 'secret' video recording tool from Microsoft which records both Open GL (aerofly FS2) and directX.
First time you have to do a setup, but then it runs smooth and easy.
Next step is the free Windows Movie Maker. -
There is also Nvidia Shadowplay.
- Official Post
I rememeber Shadowplay only recording DirectX not OpenGL, not sure though.
It does both. All of my Aerofly videos use shadowplay, and the advantage is that unlike software recording methods, there is nearly no effect on FPS while recording.
Rodeo, i am still on win7, no secret tool here for recording,
but the movie maker, which is a good thing.
funny microsoft, why would they hide the good stuff anyway :))
will try hiflyers shadowplay for now. thanks for the tips. -
I use OBS studio to record in Elie dangerous so I think I can setup that for this too.
The Replay function however I cannot find in VR.
I set 'Show native view on main monitor' to yes.
There is no buttons nor bar on my screen no matter how much times I press P
I can't find replay in VR either.