Free Developer Camera
To make it easier for scenery creators we added a new developer camera mode that will allow for you to get a better view of your work in real time without the need for flying over your scenery and pausing all of the time.
Please enable the developer option in the main.mcf file first to be able to use this camera.
Here is how to control the developer camera:
Keystroke/Mouse | Description |
CTRL+F8 | Enter Developer Camera Mode |
R | Reset view to aircraft position |
Q | Turn Left |
E | Turn Right |
W or UP arrow | Move UP |
S or DN arrow | Move Down |
Left Mouse Button and Mouse | Full Look Around |
When you close the sim the position will be memorized, so that you can keep the camera where it was and don't have to move it every time. This makes it easy to change something in your scenery, restart the sim to reload the changes that you made, then just hop into the dev-camera and immediately see those changes. That's why the camera doesn't reset to the aircraft position and that's why restarting doesn't change the position.
Cinematic Camera
Press Ctrl+F7 to enable this camera mode. Use the mouse to pan around. Press the arrow keys to create a constant pan around the aircraft. Press page up or down to introduce a vertical component. Note - this camera is not intended for the general public and doesn't fully represent a cinematic mode. You may even get motion sickness from it, so please use it in small doses :)