Table of Contents
Geoconvert Tool and FSET: A Beginners Guide
To help you get started please follow the core steps outlined in this guide. Please note that these steps only show you the basics, please refer to the Geoconvert/FSET Tutorial for details regarding each step
The references made by this guide and any other reference to the application FS Earth Tiles (FSET) is in no direct affiliation to IPACS. IPACS and its affiliates are not responsible for which application is used to obtain aerial imagery. FSET is an independent application which may contain copyrighted imagery and/or data, therefore it is the users responsibility to adhere to the copyright of such data. IPACS does not condone nor disapprove the use of FSET for personal use. FSET shall not be used for scenery packages of personal gain or profit, and shall only be used for non transferable use for the purpose of creating scenery for Aerofly FS2 Flight Simulator.
This tool is not a simple plug and play application and may need some practice to be successful. Please post any issues that you may be having onto the forum where the community can assist you.
For this guide you will need the below products:
Step-By-Step Guide
- Step 1 Obtain your FSET files. Note- you will only need the image files and inf files for the tool
- Step 2 Place the image and inf files (from FSET) into the 'input_aerial_images' folder. Note- disregard all other files produced by FSET, you don't need them. Do NOT rename any of the files made by FSET.
- Step 3 Use the inf2tfw application (refer to prerequisites for download); point to the 'input_aerial_images' folder where you have the image and inf files located and run the application. You should now see that tfw files were added for you.
- Step 4 Build your TMC file: Use the provided TMC sample as a guide for your project. Note- Make sure that you enter your coordinates as long/lat using decimal conversion. To avoid errors limit coordinates to two digits after the decimal (example: 81.56). Simply use copy/paste for all levels.
- Step 5 Either run the tool by using command line or make a batch file to do this step. Either way works the same.
- Step 6 Once the tool completes you will see files inside your '\scenery\images' folder.
- Step 7 Make a custom folder for your newly created scenery, move all of the created files into it, and place it into the 'Documents\Aerofly FS 2\scenery\images' folder
- Step 8 Run Aerofly and locate your new scenery on the map, choose an elevation you wish to start at (or make an airport file for starting points).
- Step 9 ENJOY your new scenery.