• I know, i know. This Question is asked many many Times. But i just came back to Aerofly After a 5 Month Break and read the Blog Post about an Update "soon". This was over a Month ago, and i ask myself, when can we expect the Update? I know that you probably cant give me an exact Time, but just a Number would be cool. 3 Weeks? 2? maybe even 1? ;=)

  • May 15th: "We will do our best to be more transparent while we begin to release update hints and facts of what's to come in the coming weeks."

    I guess we will have a blog update soon.... ;)


    Peter Splinter

    i5-7400@3,4 GHz, 16GB RAM, GTX 1660 Super, Pico 4, Quest 2 , 'Vintage' Pro Flight Trainer, X52 Pro, VKB pedals

  • I'm sure that in the second semester they can post this update they need to add some things that were mentioned in the Forum and that were already working this takes time, but I prefer to wait an update completed than a badly finished and with problems. That it doesn't is the focus of IPACS.





    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

    Edited once, last by Lucas Bravo (June 29, 2020 at 7:49 PM).

  • Compared to the quality of IPACS add on scenery, they can 😊

    Let’s hope for some more good stuff until FS2020 is released and more people abandon AFS2. Really hope IPACS doesn’t lose interest due to the probably very low ROI then 🙁

  • Really miss ATC, flying without ATC is just so lonely and less realistic.

    Might want to give this ATC payware a try - http://afs2rcatc.com/ .

    I did get it to work but I don't fly much. Others use it and seem to like it. I think you can use in VR but you have to memorize a few keys because the ATC menu only works in non-VR mode (maybe that has changed since I installed it last year).

  • Compared to the quality of IPACS add on scenery, they can 😊

    Let’s hope for some more good stuff until FS2020 is released and more people abandon AFS2. Really hope IPACS doesn’t lose interest due to the probably very low ROI then 🙁

    Well the Heli, Gliders, fast jets and VR fans wont be going to MSFS 2020 .... they dont have anything for them !

  • only that unfortunately no thermals, winches etc. are simulated for gliders which I find absolutely a shame !!!

    How great would the simulator be if this were finally possible ...

    Unfortunately, gliding enthusiasts are still not fully taken into account by IPACS. :thumbdown:

    The rest of the simulator is great :thumbup:

    Froher Gruss :)


  • only that unfortunately no thermals

    I agree with the winch, but there are certainly thermals in Fs2. It's only a bit luck to find them and I'd recommend to move the slider far to right.

    I shouldn't tell (Guess, I'm kind of crazy), but I have managed with the ASG 29 many 120-160 km triangles, plus one with 230 km..


  • And as an airbus flyer i personally think that afs2's a320 is better than any other flight sim's airbus out there.

    200% the best of the best

    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf

  • And as an airbus flyer i personally think that afs2's a320 is better than any other flight sim's airbus out there.

    Oh by the way, the other are games based on simulation. Aerofly is the only real simulator on mobile.

    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf

  • E, como panfleto da Airbus, eu acho que acho que o A320 do AFS2 é melhor que o Airbus de qualquer outro simulador de vôo por lá.

    I agree the A320 of the Aerofly FS2 is identical, if you compare a photo the body, wing, wingtips are not easy for them to be perfect, apart from the textures and systems in the cockpit and PFD computers that are identical.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • Hi kai503 how are you ? Can we hope some news about your Carbon Cub project ? Friendly regards


    Hi Herve,

    Thanks, I'm pretty fine. Hope you as well!

    If I only would have more time.. I'm meanwhile working more in the background, but full time. There is hardly any time (and honestly, energy as well) left for the freeware projects.

    But one thing as actually happend. I have meanwhile more possibilities in regard of the tmd. I have fixed the CC, so it flies meanwhile as it should. I should start with the cockpit now, what would be fun. But I don't make timewise any promises.



  • we just need shutdown and cold/dark

    Just a question of time I’d say:

    A320 Turbo-Fan Engines Finally Off

    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf