Please use this thread for support questions for FSCloudPort. So far there have been quite a few good points raised by people starting to use it but the feedback has been given via private conversations to me or others helping me. I have closed down a lot of conversations today and encourage people to send feedback here so that others can see it and benefit from answers given publicly. Glowing praise is of course very welcome but so is criticism or improvement suggestions. This is v1.0 remember and, as the documentation says, should be considered a beta. We could have kept FSCP under wraps until we had finished a lot more functionality, but we felt it was at a level that a lot of people could benefit from already, especially with smaller airports.
Please also be aware that the way FSCP is designed, the cloud is not actually storing a completed airport, but the data points of that airport. As FSCP improves the download quality of the airports, based on the same data, will improve. Runway numbers for example. Also you can always edit and add features. So in many ways all the airports are work in progress - I might add a note to each page to set expectations to that effect or give authors a second space to explain where they are up to if they wish.
Finally if you are posting requests or areas of weakness here's the major items development list we already have for future versions:
- Cross-over runway solution
- Runway numbers, landing markings and additional decal options
- Alternative runway textures including grass
- Taxiways, aprons, extended thresholds
- Cultivation
- Improved runway lighting and approach lighting
- A footprint to show the true size of a static aircraft
- Additional objects
- Bulk downloads