FS2 - the Apple of Flight Sims?

  • I rolled AFS2 out of the hangar the other day after a few weeks of flying the other sim. What I noticed was just how fluid everything was, the flight model, the instruments, etc. Yes AFS2 does have it's flaws (no weather to really speak of, lack of global international airports and global imagery), but as I see it, it still has great potential to give the other sims a run for their money and become the sim of our dreams.

    We just need IPACs to dish out another airliner (A380 perhaps), add some more international airports (London, Dubai, Sydney etc.) and implement a plugin weather engine (e.g. TrueSky), then combined with 10M Sentinel global imagery ... Job done.

  • ......We just need IPACs to dish out another airliner (A380 perhaps), add some more international airports (London, Dubai, Sydney etc.) and implement a plugin weather engine (e.g. TrueSky), then combined with 10M Sentinel global imagery ... Job done.

    Good idea :thumbup: .

    And in addition with the possibility of proper helicopter operations like sling loading, fire fighting, crop dusting, SAR, a mission editor for custom mission designs and a career mod I would be all in again....

    But assuming that IPACS would take 50 years of developing such "advanced" features, I probably would not live long enough ^^ ....

  • Thank you for all the comments here. Aerofly FS has especially been developed with ease of use, fast operation but yet very detailed and accurate flight dynamics.

    We respect all opinions here, but some points need clarifications as there are simply not reflecting the truth. Stating the R22 has a cut down flight model is simply wrong. The R22 in its current state has been approved by many ( yes many ! ) R22 pilots as flying just like the real one and we are currently certifying the R22 to be used as a professional flying model. The same holds true for the EC 135 as well. The crash modelling is not be be mixed up with realism. Adding a proper crash simulation is very hard but it doesn't mean the flight dynamics are bad.

    Aerofly FS has always been designed such that you don't need numerous addons, tweaks and whatever to get it running smoothly and part of the good performance is especially due to this.

    And we are working on great new stuff as well, development hasn't stopped it's rather the opposite.

  • Do you want to completely remove AFS2 from your PC? Would you like to have no traces on your PC?

    OK, no problem, and it's very simple, in search, type regedit, then registry editor, then delete all the good keys concerning Aerofly FS2,

    but beware of improper handling :D:D:D

    Ich brauche es nicht Löschen ,kaufe mir einen neuen PC. ^^

    Aber Danke für denTipp. :thumbup::thumbup: :D:D

  • Here's the thing: I was really turned off my AFS2 about 3 years back (did the upgrade from FS1), what with some seriously erroneous errors and goofy behavior. So after reading KalEl's feedback I was set NOT to try AFS2 again. But...

    ...after watching some 2021 reviews on MSFS 2020 I'm finding that too is riddled with strange/odd/shouldn't-be-happening behavior from what's supposed to be a world-class flight sim. I mean, a forklift driving out onto a taxiway/runway intersection? (Hey guys, we forgot to offload some cargo... haha.) And seriously, I think AFS2 is as good-looking if not better in some respects than MSFS.

    So I'm definitely not going to invest big bucks into MSFS, especially since it means buying Windoze, going through BootCamp etc. etc.

    OK, ok... so AFS2 doesn't have real-world weather, or multiplayer and I'm sure the a/c still wobble like drunken sailors when static on the ground and you move flight surfaces - nothings perfect. But rather confused about pricing and options:

    On the AppStore it's $35.99; on Steam for Mac it's $59.99. ?? So what's the difference?

    Does the Steam version come with ALL the airports and high-res scenery and the AppStore version doesn't? Or are there a/c missing?

    If you purchase from the AppStore does that mean you can't get add-on's from developers?

    Can you guys clarify please?

    UPDATE: Found the answer: IPACS is recommending the Steam version for updates and add-ons, esp. DLC. Got it.

    Edited once, last by producerguy (March 28, 2021 at 12:36 AM).

  • ...after watching some 2021 reviews on MSFS 2020 I'm finding that too is riddled with strange/odd/shouldn't-be-happening behavior from what's supposed to be a world-class flight sim. I mean, a forklift driving out onto a taxiway/runway intersection? (Hey guys, we forgot to offload some cargo... haha.) And seriously, I think AFS2 is as good-looking if not better in some respects than MSFS.

    In this I have to agree for those looking for realism this platform mentioned that was supposed to be an example in Microsoft Simulators due to its big visibility has forgotten the real simulation content that it brings in your name. It's a joke in several aspects I believe that the purpose of it is just to show the beauty of scenery and airplanes on social networks IS ONLY MEDIA for riders of breathtaking scenery (my opinion), but in flight physics and realism of computer textures systems in the Cockpit and on the plane the Aerofly Wins. On this simulator platform cited It is extremely ridiculous the exaggerated flexes on the wing of the A320N on the ground without a flight effect, the dynamics of flight physics is unreal, movement simulations of grotesque control surfaces, some modeling of parts of the wrong flaps and spoillers and the worst arrogant hardware requirement.



    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

  • It's ok to disagree, it's not okay to call other users bad things or to insult them.

    @KalEl We can either ban your account or if you really want to we can delete it of course. We value your opinion and nobody wants to censor that. But it is in our interest to protect users that are browsing our forums and plain insults, swear words, etc. have to be moderated. This is not censorship but we do not allow such content on our public forums because minors are also active here and insults quickly turn a thread into a mess. So that's why I kept your opinion in there, unchanged, but I removed the last part that you added later on, which called other people names and used other strong language.

    If you want to discuss why the R22 feels less realistic to you now than after the initial publication than please consider opening a new thread just for that topic. We are always in pursuit of the most realistic simulation and if you have valid issues we need to address then we are happy to do so.

  • Each sim - especially a flight sim - has it's own advantages.

    Aerofly 2 runs very smooth, it's helicopters are working fine, the user's addons work without crashing the sim, the program starts very quickly, the scenery is also quickly loaded, the flight model can be learned in a quarter of an hour, some ground-textures are extraordinary beautiful....

    I also use MSFS2020 but I keep changing programs, depending on my mood ...

    I have decided to make another "Promo-Vid" and to upload it on Youtube ;)

    Flight over Honolulu

  • Thank you for all the comments here. Aerofly FS has especially been developed with ease of use, fast operation but yet very detailed and accurate flight dynamics.

    We respect all opinions here, but some points need clarifications as there are simply not reflecting the truth. Stating the R22 has a cut down flight model is simply wrong. The R22 in its current state has been approved by many ( yes many ! ) R22 pilots as flying just like the real one and we are currently certifying the R22 to be used as a professional flying model. The same holds true for the EC 135 as well. The crash modelling is not be be mixed up with realism. Adding a proper crash simulation is very hard but it doesn't mean the flight dynamics are bad.

    Aerofly FS has always been designed such that you don't need numerous addons, tweaks and whatever to get it running smoothly and part of the good performance is especially due to this.

    And we are working on great new stuff as well, development hasn't stopped it's rather the opposite.


    Is there any news of what you are planning to release for our Aerofly FS 2 next ?

    Sir @Jet-Pack even teased us some but no CONFIRM news of what is coming forward. It's nearly closing 1-Year that we got some new Features and Items in Aerofly FS 2 but till now nothing new just FIXES and PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS.( which I appreciate)

    I think we all Community Members deserve to get some CONFIRM NEWS 😊as might be due to no Confirm News our Community Members are getting Impatient 😅😂. JUST JOKING...

    What you say Sir admin and Jet-Pack (IPACS)



    Best Regards,


  • Hi Tomfa, Jan deleted my post too, I was being supportive and I think my quote of remarks from a different post which we all think were offensive, was behind the deletion. Your post had similar elements. I do not think Jan was being negative to either of us.

    I can see how tiresome many very similar update enquiries must be for Jan, it must be hard to take the thankfully very rare comments that turn outright nasty. He makes very many helpful replies here for us at all hours and on major public holidays and during weekends.

    Perhaps we can all recognise that real update information from Torsten or Jan only comes out close to the release time. I don't think moaning from us will change things.

  • Hi Tomfa, Jan deleted my post too, I was being supportive and I think my quote of remarks from a different post which we all think were offensive, was behind the deletion. Your post had similar elements. I do not think Jan was being negative to either of us.

    I can see how tiresome many very similar update enquiries must be for Jan, it must be hard to take the thankfully very rare comments that turn outright nasty. He makes very many helpful replies here for us at all hours and on major public holidays and during weekends.

    Perhaps we can all recognise that real update information from Torsten or Jan only comes out close to the release time. I don't think moaning from us will change things.

    Again in keeping with the original post;

    I also love Aerofly FS2 and I think it's a great flight sim, especially in VR, which I mainly use. With new freeware animated scenery like Hawaii (parts 1-3) and other recent addons, including heli's, I think it is becoming a force to be reckoned with. With the original launch of fs2 I did not think it was very good btw. Hopefully more flight sim guys (esp. VR ones like me) will recognise how far fs2 has come and consider it in the near future. I have already converted (or perverted?) a few of my xp11 VR flight sim buddies.

    I do not think that there is any 'perfect' flight sim out there right now. There will always be pros/cons.

    I also use X Plane 11.52 Vulkan in VR and I think it works well. Maybe a little better in VR with float planes and night time landings, ha-ha!

    With both sims I think that their heli's (which I love to fly) all work very well. Usage-wise I'm probably about 50:50 between both of these flight sims.

    So far I have avoided MSFS 2020 mainly because it does not include any stock heli's (although there is a new user created one). The MS developer has said that stock heli's will not be available till 2022. Also, I have not seen any examples of good VR performance, even with very high end pc's. I have a pretty high end pc (i9 9900k/rtx3090) and I don't think I'm going to be happy in VR at 30fps max (seems to be the norm) with my 90Hz Vive Pro headset. For me, 45fps is the minimum I need for smooth/stutter-free flight sims, esp. with low level heli flying.

    Aside; I've see very little constructive criticism in this thread and I think that the current banter (I said, you said...) is potentially going to confuse newbie flight simmers. Maybe it should be closed? I am not a mod so this is only a suggestion. Flame suit on, lol!

    Aside #2; Aerofly RC8 is a very good Radio Controlled (RC) flight sim and I currently think that it is much better than RealFlight 9.5, esp. in VR. However, it does benefit a lot with the RealFlight Spektrum Interlink DX Controller. Actually I've found that this controller also works very well with Aerofly FS2 and xp11.

    i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro w/Air Link, Vive Pro